[翻译] Long War Beta 15 Patch Note -2

楼主: Merkle (你在想奇怪的东西齁)   2015-03-06 21:10:16
第二部份 B15修改了哪些bug(有些是原版就有的bug)
Code that was rolling up leaders at somewhat too high of a level and
occasionally letting Temple Ship aliens out on regular missions
现在不会有过强的敌人 or 让神殿船内的敌人出现在一般的任务
(译者注:有吗???? Gangplank那上面一堆Muton是怎样啦)
Restored code allowing 50/50 chance for recovery of gear on soldier
MIA/death + mission failure. Also MEC suits from dead soldiers can be
recovered again.
任务失败时 挂掉的/被遗落的士兵 身上的装备有50%机会可回收
现在Mec甲也是一样 Mec被打爆一样有50%机会回收(.........)
Adjusted some spawn code to reduce incidence of aliens spawning in range
of soldiers at mission start (without pressing them all against the back wall
of the map as was happening previously)
调整了怪物出生点的机制 减少士兵一下飞机马上就看得到怪 第一回合强迫开战的情况
Some overloud stacking sounds (overwatch all and research new-item alert)
won't be so loud
You will no longer get meld from failed alien and Exalt base assaults
(vanilla bug)
突击外星基地/Exalt总部失败 打完任务的结算 不会再给你Meld(原版的bug)
(这招我不知道耶.... 反过来讲 可以用这个bug去无限洗Meld?)
Mayhem will apply +4 damage bonus precision shot for snipers with sniper rifles
(instead of +2)
破坏暴行(Mayhem)现在当你使用爆头一击时 会提供正确的增伤(+4 之前只有+2)
Rounding error that was causing Ethereal Psi Drain to not gain any HP when
Ethereal was down only 1 hp
修正了当乙太剩下1hp的时候 会吸不到他队友血的bug
Repair perk will provide correct bonus arc thrower charges now
Flush will not cause flying units to attempt to move
Mimic Beacon throw range correctly limited
Various fixes to Critical Hit chances and interactions. Targeting Module
(which isn't broken, contrary to reports) fix to displayed crit chance in
some circumstances.
Mayhem will now provide SAW/LMG damage bonus when using Rapid Fire and Flush
破坏暴行(Mayhem)现在伤害加成也会作用在急速开火(Rapid Fire)和热血汹涌(Flush)
Reward soldiers should now adopt your class coloration and headgear settings
when class is selected
议会任务or要求送给你的士兵 盔甲配色会和你所选择的职业相符
Building/Tearing Down GeneLab/PsiLab should provide immediate impact on
lab bonuses
Having the Snap Shot perk and
1) carrying any primary weapon without the movelimited property
(ie strike rifles)
or 2) using the second shot of double tap confers a corrective to the snap
shot aim penalty, canceling it out in those cases, as long as the
calculated to-hit before the corrective is greater than 1%.
This mostly corrects a vanilla bug.
当你点了突施冷箭(Snap Shot)后 拿非Sniper Rifle武器 移动后攻击不会被扣命中
如果点了二次行动(Double Tap) 第二发攻击也不会被扣命中 这也是原版的bug
Smoke and Dense Smoke will now provide defense to flanked targets on the
condition that the attacker's chance to hit is otherwise less than 100.
If the chance to hit is 100, smoke/dense smoke provides a flat -10/-20 defense,
because we are unable to access how much greater than 100 the pre-smoke to-hit is.
现在烟雾弹一样会对被侧击的单位提供防御加成 如果被命中的机率>100%
则一般的烟雾弹让你的被命中率*0.9 加浓烟雾给你被命中率*0.8
Interceptor aim module now turns two misses into hits, instead of just making
sure the next two shots hit regardless of roll. This fixes a bug in which
Sparrowhawks were counting as an aim module hit if it was going to hit anyway.
拦截机的命中模组从必中两发改成打不中的变成打中 避免被Sparrowhawks吃掉次数
(Sparrowhawks LW新增的改造项目 拦截机会多挂一组飞弹 比刺针弱一点点)
Fixed, at long last: Bug in which flanking bonuses for to-crit and ITZ
purposes were not being applied to Squadsight shots.
终于改好了这个bug 现在团队视野和绝命地带可以正常作用了
Fixed bug in which Fortiores Una wasn't conferring enough Damage Reduction.
Changed its mechanics so it doubles base cover bonus, (so low is about 1.3,
and high is 2.0).
修正了Fortiores Una(军官技能)不会提供足够的伤害减伤(DR) 改为掩体提供的DR加倍
(1.33 = 66% DR1 33% DR2)
Fixed bug in which Mind Control wasn't supplying PsiXP.
Bring 'Em On now counts enemies at Squadsight ranges in crit bonus calculation
一起上吧(Bring 'Em On)现在会把团队视野内的敌人数量算进去
Alien Salvage actually provides salvage now
Council Reward probability shift when you have a bunch of engineers should work
properly now
(我猜是当工程师数量到一定值后 不会再给你工程师 改别的 可能改成送兵/降恐慌之类的)
Adrenaline Surge perk actually provides crit bonus now
(不重要阿 这是Exlat精英的技能.....)
Chameleon Suit actually provides bonus defense when using Lightning Reflexes
闪电反射时 变色龙装可以正常作用了(已辜)
Aliens will now run harvest missions as intended at supply 1, threat 4 on
mission matrix. Also a couple of other adjustments on the matrix.
讲外星人执行任务AI的调整 这我也不是很懂 请强者补充
A soldier with both Concealment (old Psi Shadow) and Low Profile will no
longer conceal, move to low cover, and immediately reveal; instead they won't
conceal at all. This should allow a soldier with Lightning Reflexes, Low
Profile and Concealment to trigger OW shots and retain high cover bonus by
moving to a low cover spot.
隐身和华丽低调不能一起使用 想隐身请乖乖的跑去全掩体后面
(后面是为什么要这样更正的理由 不重要)
Attempted fix: Shouldn't face any fresh panic checks when reloading a game
with a critically wounded soldier
不确定有没有修好:现在你读档的时候 受致命伤的士兵不会再进行一次恐慌判定
(之前会有你读档 结果本来没恐慌的士兵变成恐慌)
Triggering the HQ Defense mission will no longer crash game while Skyranger
is in flight
修正了你家被外星人送快递的时候 SkyRanger还没回家 会造成游戏崩溃的问题
Fixed some map bugs on police station, small scout nuked city, furies
修正了后面这三张地图的bug (我也不知道这是哪三张....)
作者: payon (斐杨)   2015-03-06 21:15:00
作者: sarraya (~ No Game No Life ~)   2015-03-06 21:16:00
作者: payon (斐杨)   2015-03-06 21:23:00
作者: Lemming (Endless)   2015-03-06 21:34:00
图wiki有啊 找一下有地图的连结^地
作者: s8108288s (尾)   2015-03-07 11:25:00

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