cokelon (cokelon)
2014-12-14 07:07:33https://www.humblebundle.com/store
SPINTIRES $14.99 , Flash Deal
Goat Simulator $4.99 , Flash Deal
The Wolf Among Us $6.24 75%off 历史新低
Murdered: Soul Suspect $7.49
Tropico 5 $13.99
Godus (Early Access Game) $4.99
Wargame: Red Dragon $13.59
Far Cry 3 $7.49 , Uplay
Far Cry 3 Deluxe Edition $9.99 , Uplay
Far Cry 3: Blood Dragon $3.74 , Uplay
Far Cry® 2 Fortunes Edition $2.49 , DRM-FREE
Verdun (Early Access) $13.79
Metro: Last Light Redux $12.49
Just Cause 2 $3.74
Oddworld: Munch's Oddysee $2.49
Dungeons: Gold Edition $4.49
Rocksmith® 2014 Edition $20.39
Risen 3: Titan Lords $24.99
Project Nimbus (Early Access) $9.99
Ironclad Tactics $3.74
Halfway $8.66
Expeditions: Conquistador $4.99
The Incredible Adventures of Van Helsing - Complete Pack $4.99
Skullgirls $3.74
SUNLESS SEA (Early Access) $12.72
The Night of the Rabbit $4.99
System Shock 2 $2.49
Warlock 2: The Exiled $4.99
The Cave $3.74
Shank 2 $1.49
Bionic Dues $1.99
Onikira - Demon Killer (Early Access) $4.99
Onikira - Demon Killer: Contributors Pack (Early Access) $9.99
The Book of Unwritten Tales $1.99
The Book of Unwritten Tales Digital Deluxe $2.49
Galactic Civilizations II: Ultimate Edition $4.99
完了看到The Wolf Among Us手好痒@_@
THC13 (恶魔党头目)
2014-12-14 07:09:00Warlock 2减价也太快
Verdun 我有印尼区的,看有没有人要收,可以讨论XDD
majoice (majoice)
2014-12-14 09:07:00Warlock 75% 1代3个月 2代半年 结论: 都一样快
efreet (Soth)
2014-12-14 10:17:00P社游戏一向都降很快
u88257 (gtacg8025)
2014-12-14 11:24:00Goat该冲吗?
我朋友说 真的很爱格斗在买Skullgirls 不然很快腻但是做得很好是真的
cmss666 (Common Sense)
2014-12-14 16:33:00The Wolf Among Us跟iOS版有差异吗 之前iOS限免有跟到
作者: cohlint2004 (萧天鸣) 2014-12-14 17:52:00
ios限免也只是一章吧? 这个是全五章
cokelon (cokelon)
2014-12-14 18:52:00放心 没锁启动
skullgirls 我就是那个买了之后破两次就再也没开过的人
letni (浮游天眼炮)
2014-12-14 23:48:00楼上没听过 Capcom吗
问一下大家推不推Far cry系列,很久以前玩过2代觉得重复的动作(打据点)之类的好像有点过多?
The Wolf Among Us超棒的...Telltales的价格降很慢所以有兴趣的差不多可以入手了..