[新闻] pronax谈论作弊指控与DreamHack弃赛原因

楼主: AsakuRacing (艾萨克)   2014-12-02 07:43:21
In a lengthy post on his Facebook fan page, Markus "pronax" Wallsten spoke
candidly about the recent so-called community "witch-hunt" in the wake of
recent VAC bans of high-profile players, particularly the accusations
levelled against members of his own team:
在他的FB专页发了不小的篇幅谈论最近社群在VAC ban了几位选手后的猎巫行为
"Despite what a part of the community(including few pro-players) might
think.. We are trying to play a fair game, for me competeing means that I try
my absolute best, to do better then my opponent, but also following the rules
of the tournament," he wrote
"We may not communicate as much as other players on social medias, but we are
a very hard working team that practice a LOT. And going to Dreamhack was not
only about competing and doing our best anymore, we also wanted to squash the
cheating accusations, since Dreamhack admins said that they would host the
most secure tournament so far in cs:go.
The witch-hunt:
But after a few players and some "respectable" profiles joined the witch-hunt
as well, trying to get dreamhack/valve to disqualify us from the tournament
before it even had started, the same tournament that is supposed to be so
secure that we would not be able to cheat... And people want to take away the
only chance we have to prove ourselves?
I think its here we really started to feel insane amount of pressure going in
to the Dreamhack tournament.
However, i do think we showed that we are one of the best teams, even if it
was shaky here and there we still delivered good games, and I definitely
think flusha proved himself, he is the second best rated player in the
tournament followed by: pasha, olofm and JW. And there is clips from
dreamhack where he does the exact same things that made some people accuse
him of using "aimlock." And i actually think that speaks for he's innocent."
Wallsten also addressed his team's decision to forfeit their rematch with
LDLC, and their use of the now-infamous boost on de_overpass which preceded
"As probably everyone know we used a very special boost in the game against
LDLC on the third and deciding map: Overpass. We did not think there would be
anything wrong with using this boost. I had seen LDLC using a similar boost
against NiP in the groupstage, and thought it was fun that they also had
found something that no other team knew about. Dont get me wrong, I
understand that the boost we used was A LOT better then the boost LDLC used.
But the boost is not as game-breaking as the Dreamhack "experts" said. And we
really thought that the boost was legit to use according to the official
rules. The only reason the boost seemed so game-breaking was because the team
we played against took to long to figure out where Olof was standing. If they
had figured it out in time(i think they figured it out at 13-13), they could
have bought an scout/awp and killed Olof from outside T-spawn without Olof
even being able to see the guy who kills him.
LDLC在小组赛打NiP时也有在相同位置叠人 (http://puu.sh/d9wbR/1e1515a027.jpg)
别说我错,我了解我们叠的方式比LDLC高明很多 (http://i.imgur.com/AFVdPGT.jpg)
I just cant belive that if other teams had found this boost before the
tournament, that they would not have used it if they had not known about the
"transparency." bug.. but thats only speculations of course.
And I cant help to think that if a team like NiP was to use this boost that
they would have endured the same reactions as we did. They would get praised.
Again, thats only speculation.
我不相信其他队伍在赛前发现这个伎俩且不知道有图层bug 他们会不用
Please, understand that we had no intention in mocking the rules of dreamhack
with the boost, or doing anything to harm the tournament in any way, we went
there with the mindset to WIN, and to give our fans a good show, and to once
again show that we are one of the best teams.
So why did we forfeit against LDLC?
Because even if atleast I thought that Dreamhack took the right decision in
restarting the map from 0-0, we had nothing to win by playing that match. It
was a loose/loose situation for us, no mather what we did. And some of the
players had no motivation left to play in the tournament considering
everything that had happened. So we decided as a team to give LDLC the
victory, wish them luck and move on.
Some last words:
I would like to give a BIG thanks to Fnatic and our sponsors, who have shown
that they support us no mather what, and that they do everything they can for
us. I am truly happy to be able to work with all of you!
I would also like to thank all of you that have been supportive to us during
these hard times. I will forever be grateful. And i hope that all of you will
continue to support us in the future, and i hope that we can come back
stronger in 2015."
文章结尾把dendi在Dota2 Ti3的温泉勾拉来救援,
game breaking bug, still the best dota2 game i have ever seen and to see it
at International. Respect @natusvincere
作者: kuojames2580 (干干干干干)   2014-12-02 07:53:00
LDLC就算发现那个位置 也来不及架狙吧 对面都先架好了
作者: wyiwyi (纸片宅)   2014-12-02 08:08:00
那点位+连狙 想死的心都有了....
作者: KaiJii (...)   2014-12-02 08:28:00
作者: sarraya (~ No Game No Life ~)   2014-12-02 08:54:00
作者: Terran (TerraN)   2014-12-02 09:00:00
白目到极点 expert用上quotes会让人觉得你用air quotes
作者: zero1017 (轰)   2014-12-02 09:37:00
今天天气很好 都是thry的错
作者: Maximun (MaxWall)   2014-12-02 09:52:00
作者: winklly (阿鸟)   2014-12-02 09:53:00
忘记职业运动吃fans了吗 天才啊...
作者: ievolfun (Vanish)   2014-12-02 10:08:00
flusha HLTV有贴很多指控 有些真的很像VACtion...而flusha解释因为他鼠标很轻 感觉不是啥有力反驳
作者: Korsechi (laus)   2014-12-02 10:22:00
都有人认为flusha在DHW也有用 所以等这几个月的发展吧
作者: ef9527 (奶油狼)   2014-12-02 11:36:00
作者: ohmygodha (paradox)   2014-12-02 12:14:00
那两个点距离很近 可是天差地远...而且还是bug!!!退赛分明就是自知理亏 如果没错 谁会退赛啊?上次有人贴连结阿 flusha准星往左滑了不小一段结果现场他的手几乎没动.....手腕也没动http://ppt.cc/7CDr 仔细又看了一次 是把鼠标放下的动作... 可是应该不至于是鼠标移动 我觉得很可疑
作者: newbout ( nb 但没有 a )   2014-12-02 12:26:00
作者: ievolfun (Vanish)   2014-12-02 12:33:00
除了鼠标移动 还有其他的
作者: hazel0093 (heart-work.info)   2014-12-02 15:23:00
斩业非斩人 用挂非开挂
作者: qmaper (~卡片~)   2014-12-02 15:28:00
他还忍不住开枪 XD 作弊太明显了
作者: orz7887245 (Pooh)   2014-12-02 16:03:00
作者: Xargon (twitch.tv/xargon0731)   2014-12-02 20:58:00
作者: Jahdd   2014-12-02 21:42:00
flusha不是胖子吗?影片里光头不是他吧,而且看没解说的demo可以听到左边CT连狙开镜的声音 所以他紧张下转身开枪也还算正常吧
作者: juiclykiller (松山鬼见愁㊣抖M抖M)   2014-12-02 22:06:00
作者: neverleft (邓孟)   2014-12-02 23:44:00
作者: ohmygodha (paradox)   2014-12-03 01:18:00
干原来是胖子喔 我搞错了抱歉 囧看那个连续动作的节奏 光看画面 比较像是两段式左移我个人认为如果是生理反应 应该是会大动作直接到更左边的地方 但也可能是我假设过于完美反正如果是真的 他队友也该被唾弃+1除非被蒙在鼓里

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