bombee (杨某人快给我钱 让我结婚)
2014-04-23 22:03:22很短的新影片~
The series time frame takes place 5 years before the Battle of Yavin and
fourteen years after the foundation of the Empire. The series will follow a
motley group of rebels - all of whom have been affected by the Empire in one
form or the other.
ps: The clone wars前面还不错,后面感觉就有点烂尾掉了,希望这系列不会烂尾~
※ 引述《Amontillako (渡鸦The Raven)》之铭言:
: http://i.imgur.com/Q6tu34r.jpg
: The next great villain from a galaxy far, far away is here. Fans attending
: Lucasfilm's Star Wars Rebels panel today at New York Comic Con got the
: world's first look at the Inquisitor, a black-clad, intimidating figure
: who will play a prominent role in the upcoming animated series.
: ......that the Inquisitor is "tasked by Darth Vader to hunt down
: the remaining Jedi Knights."
: http://ppt.cc/v88J
: ※ 引述《Eunoia (Beautiful Thinking)》之铭言:
: : https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=O1_F7zg4B30
: : 大家都知道Clone Wars已经掰掰了,迪士尼目前似乎将重心放在第七集以及经典三部曲
: : 上。这部由原班人马制作的Rebels系列,除了日前有放出一两张设定稿\剧照,这次终
: : 于有一小段的影片囉!
: : 这不是动画中实际的画面,不过看来他们是借由重制Ep4 的开场,来安抚担心的星战迷
: : 们:我们会尽量跟经典三部曲结合的。
: : 另外时间点上,之前的谣言是Ep4 的9 年前。