
楼主: peacetree   2013-02-07 07:31:00
"星际大战电影化妆师 Stuart Freeborn 享年98岁"
别人传给我,早上2200 GMT广播的新闻头条
“This young fellow came in and started walking around in all my labs,
picking things up, and I thought oh, strange I thought he’s got a bit of a
nerve just walking around like this and he said, oh my name is George Lucas,
I have written a script called Star Wars.”
Tribute to the most inventive make-up man in British cinema.
楼主: peacetree   2013-02-07 07:32:00
这段广播晚一点再附上来... > <
作者: Changel (十一月的枫香)   2013-02-07 14:00:00
May the force be with him.
作者: biglafu (哥吉拉弗)   2013-02-07 14:08:00
作者: owenkuo (灰色腦細胞)   2013-02-07 19:28:00
be part of the force不过说真的,我们现在正存在一个逐渐消逝的年代新的共同记忆建立的情况如何姑且不论,但6070s~90s的很多人事物,算一算年限这几年开始都慢慢离开现实世界了:p
作者: Changel (十一月的枫香)   2013-02-08 00:24:00
真的!! MJ, 惠妮, 华人圈一堆啊!!

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