"We the People"是真正白宫网站上的一个请愿(petition)专页,也真的有
"Secure resources and funding, and begin construction of a
Death Star by 2016."
29,540 Signatures
Popular Petitions | We the People: Your Voice in Our Government
1 Immediately address the issue of gun control through the 140,699
introduction of legislation in Congress.
2 Peacefully grant the State of Texas to withdraw from the United 120,229
States of America and create its own NEW government.
3 Legally recognize Westboro Baptist Church as a hate group. 95,139
4 Remove marijuana from the federal Controlled Substance Act and 70,187
allow the states to decide how they want to regulate it.
5 Recount the election! 65,269
6 Support mandatory labeling of genetically engineered foods (GMOs).51,876
7 Repeal Obamacare. It is killing jobs in this country. Thousands 46,226
have already lost their jobs because of it.
8 Require free access over the Internet to scientific journal 45,760
articles arising from taxpayer-funded research.
9 We request that Obama be impeached for the following reasons. 40,738
10 Support a law protecting states' rights to legalize, regulate and 40,035
tax marijuana like alcohol.
11 outlaw offending prophets of major religions 37,678
12 Peacefully grant the State of Louisiana to withdraw from the 37,559
United States of America and create its own NEW government.
13 Peacefully grant the State of Florida to withdraw from the United 35,428
States of America and create its own NEW government.
14 Federally Legalize Marijuana 34,912
15 Remove the monument and not to support any international 34,495
harassment related to this issue against the people of Japan.
16 Not Allow The FDA To Regulate Premium Cigars 34,392
17 Finalize Standards for GLUTEN-FREE Labeling 32,963
18 Peacefully grant the State of Georgia to withdraw from the United 32,551
States of America and create its own NEW government.
19 Support the People of Catalonia in their effort to decide their 32,128
own future
20 Persuade South Korea (the ROK) to accept Japan's proposal on 31,723
territorial dispute over islets.
21 Peacefully grant the State of Tennessee to withdraw from the 31,579
United States of America and create its own NEW government.
22 Repeal the Defense of Marriage Act (DOMA) 30,911
23 Peacefully grant the State of North Carolina to withdraw from the 30,886
United States and create its own NEW government
24 Peacefully grant the State of Alabama to withdraw from the United 30,658
States of America and create its own NEW government.
25 The U.S. Government Must Redress Wrongs Against the Chagossians 29,971
26 Repeal the House of Representatives Resolution 121 to stop 29,872
aggravating int'l harassment by Korean propaganda & lies!
27 Secure resources and funding, and begin construction of a Death 29,540
Star by 2016.