kira925 (1 2 3 4 疾风炭)
2018-05-30 12:58:48※ 引述《kira925 (1 2 3 4 疾风炭)》之铭言:
: https://twitter.com/Totalbiscuit/status/999787845127634944
: John Peter Bain
: July 8, 1984 - May 24, 2018
: 为了版规多补一点吧
: TotalBiscuit对星海的功业就不用再多提了 他办比赛、当主播、赞助战队
: 而且透过他在游戏圈的影响力 (TB是几个最早期的游戏实况主与评论家)
: 他让星海二从崛起到后来被其他游戏声势盖过 接着靠他的比赛延命
: (他的台开下去是一万人到两万人在看的) 一直到现在我们看到欧美起飞了
: TotalBiscuit在这段期间对欧美星海社群来说居功厥伟
: 用这句话结尾他对星海的付出吧 多看点星海纪念他的付出:)
: 'SC2 will live even if I have to support the entire scene with my erect
: penis' - Total Biscuit in 2014.
Genna Bain(TB老婆)说了
TB's Ashes to Be Placed in Axiom GSTL Trophy
Genna just said this on the co-optional memorial podcast and it made me kinda
tear up. Thought it would be relevant to share here and just goes to show how
much this game meant to him.
TB的骨灰将会放在2013 GSTL的奖杯里面
对于热爱星海二的他来说 这应该是最高的荣誉吧
(TB与Genna Bain赞助的Axiom在2013拿下了当年GSTL的冠军)