So Sea and Bermuda talked about what jaedong is currently thinking and doing
yesterday during stream. Here are the translations
(1) "During the season when Sea, Jaedong, Tyson, and Bermuda were all in one
team. Sea used to win 50% of the time vs jaedong. Jaedong used to win all his
protoss matchups.
(2) When jaedong lost to tyson in starleague, he broke his keyboard
(3) Jaedong has lost interest in sc2 and even said sc2 is not fun anymore
(4) Jaedong is lonely these days
(5) Flash told Jaedong to come to afreeca and possibly stream bw like him.
Jaedong has never seen Flash this happy in a while. It really looks like
flash enjoys playing bw with other old gamers
(7) Jaedong has recently played sc1 and even joined a clan, trying to
disguise himself as a ordinary user.
大致就是sea跟Bermuda(解哄?)在开实况讲解冻已经对星海2失去兴趣 可能回去打sc1云云
不知道是真是假 0.0
嗯 ..... 希望他没有被星海2残害的太严重 Flash还在漫长复健中 XDDDDDDDD