[情报] 虚空之遗平衡改动

楼主: kevin50263 (蛋白蛋)   2015-04-28 19:21:23
New Terran Unit
Before we get into the changes for existing units, we’d like to first
discuss the status of the new Terran unit. We’ve been experimenting with
various ideas, from a new base defense structure, to an add-on that allows
production facilities to change their type. At this time however, it seems we
may move forward with a unit from the Starport. There are various ways we’ve
been experimenting with this unit:
High damage, low rate of fire
Low damage, high rate of fire
Variable attack “modes” – High damage w/ low range & Low damage w/ high
Small radius area attack w/ high damage
And more…
In general, we believe that armies made from the Factory or Starport will be
more capable as independent compositions in Legacy of the Void. Players will
be able to commit to a tech-path specifically, and so we are also interested
in splitting out the mech and air upgrades again. We believe that bringing
back this choice is a potential improvement for the game.
We would also like to take a closer look at Terran bio play in Legacy of the
Void. With the changes to bio and the many buffs to mech, it is possible that
the advantage might be tilting too heavily towards mech armies right now.
Ideally, we’d like to have a good mix of options by the time we ship the
Now let’s move on to the changes we’re planning for the next balance patch.
Gameplay Changes
New Reaper grenade ability
This activated-ability will allow Reapers to launch a grenade that deals
damage and knocks units in that area back. What we’re hoping for on this
front is not necessarily to make Reapers a must have in every combat
situation, but something that would allow micro with and against the Reaper
to be more interesting early on, as well as something that could be a combat
bonus in some situations.
Mineral amounts changed from 100%/50% to 100%/60%
We discussed this a bit earlier this week and we feel that the pressure to
expand might be too great in its current state. Our goal for Legacy of the
Void is still to encourage more aggressive expansions, but we’d like to tune
this a little bit in hopes of finding to the correct place.
Protoss: Warp-in duration reverted to Heart of the Swarm.
Our goals on this front were to weaken Protoss Warpgate all-ins and increase
strategic decision making for where to use each warp in. The resource
changes look to already be getting us into a good spot for the all-in case.
Focusing on strategic use however, it currently feels too punishing for the
Protoss. We’re finding that you’ll always want to pick the safer warp-in
spot for your units. In changing this, we’ll create more interesting
decisions for the other player on whether or not to go for the vulnerable
units that are warping in, or to continue battling the units already on the
field. Therefore, we’d like to see how this works out with just the
increased damage and the warp-in time reverted back to its original value.
Adept’s weapon’s damage point changed from .4 to default (0.167)
We heard your feedback in that the Adept feels clunky to use, so we made some
tweaks in this area.
Can no longer target air.
New upgrade: allows Cyclones to target air (fusion core requirement,
researched from factory tech lab). 100/100 cost.
The Cyclone is currently too good at stopping early game harassment. This is
the opposite of what we want in Legacy of the Void, as we want to see more
harassment play happening on both sides. The idea here is to still have
Cyclones as an option early on, but not so all-around to the point that most
harassment openings can be prevented just by opening Cyclones. In the late
game, when the upgrade is researched, we believe players’ bases would be
spread out so much that even though the Cyclones themselves become
well-rounded options, opponents fighting against them will have numerous
harassment options and can more readily find vulnerable positions.
Weapon period changed from 0.8 to 1.6
Weapon range reduced from 6 to 4
There looks to be some Ravager early game all-ins that are very difficult to
stop. While we don’t know with 100% certainty that this is actually a
problem, we decided to tone down the Ravager anyway so that we can see more
units being used on the Zerg side. We have many more strategies and units
that need to be tested and hope this change brings these into play. We chose
these specific changes to create a clear distinction between Ravagers and
Roaches. In short, Roaches will be better units for cost efficiency, whereas
Ravagers are meant to be built in strategic numbers when their ability can
prove useful.
Swarm Host
Cost changed to 200/100/3
No longer requires to upgrade for flying locusts (flying locusts are enabled
from the start)
Locust health down from 65 to 50
Swarm hosts can burrow move at 2 speed
We also talked about Swarm Host changes earlier this week. With the Swarm
Host, we’d like to explore getting to a good place sooner than with most
unit changes in Void. The main reason is that HotS could potentially use a
different design of the Swarm Host. We’d like to use the beta as a rough
testing ground to see how the unit can turn out in both games potentially.
Our goal here was to do the cost/supply cost changes to make Swarm Hosts more
accessible. Locust health has also been reduced so that the mass Swarm Host
case isn’t so good, and the Swarm Host burrow move change should help them
be more effective at harassment.
Thanks you all for your feedback so far in the Legacy of the Void beta. As
always, none of this is final and we will continue to make changes in the
beta regularly. So please keep on play testing and keep the feedback rolling
Thank you, and see you on the beta!
作者: fucq47 (5566)   2015-04-28 19:36:00
作者: cutekenny (ccc)   2015-04-28 19:37:00
作者: berlinch2000 (蠹酸齋齋主-子迂)   2015-04-28 19:39:00
作者: kirimaru73 (雾丸)   2015-04-28 19:41:00
火蟑螂 → 火 + 蟑螂
作者: sakubo (大蚵甜不辣)   2015-04-28 19:43:00
作者: colan8 (′◎ω●‵)   2015-04-28 19:53:00
作者: kirimaru73 (雾丸)   2015-04-28 19:53:00
Adept改得是武器发射到命中的 原本是超长的0.4秒^时间 sorry
作者: colan8 (′◎ω●‵)   2015-04-28 19:54:00
教士没差 顶多拿来PVP (  ̄ c ̄)y▂ξ
作者: aegis43210 (宇宙)   2015-04-28 19:55:00
作者: colan8 (′◎ω●‵)   2015-04-28 19:56:00
作者: kirimaru73 (雾丸)   2015-04-28 19:57:00
没写 应该是没改文中是说当你想平A时 要让蟑螂CP值能胜过火蟑螂
作者: giancarlo82 (办公室废柴)   2015-04-28 19:58:00
火蟑螂功速增加到1.6 距离减为4 开发组认为早期火蟑
作者: kirimaru73 (雾丸)   2015-04-28 19:58:00
百生 费用改成200/100/3 瓦斯人口下降
作者: giancarlo82 (办公室废柴)   2015-04-28 19:59:00
一波All in 几乎势不可档,要大家多出蟑螂
作者: kirimaru73 (雾丸)   2015-04-28 20:00:00
自带飞天蝗虫 可以用2.0的速度遁地移动 蝗虫HP65->50
作者: icps (虹月)   2015-04-28 20:02:00
作者: aegis43210 (宇宙)   2015-04-28 20:03:00
作者: colan8 (′◎ω●‵)   2015-04-28 20:04:00
我草 钱赞企毁灭星际阿 XD
作者: kirimaru73 (雾丸)   2015-04-28 20:05:00
蝗虫如果是强迫起飞的话 某些场合会非常难用啊还有 人类新单位coming sooooooooon 目前没明确情报
作者: colan8 (′◎ω●‵)   2015-04-28 20:07:00
蝗虫强制起飞真的很烂 遇到要打的单位他是直接近距离贴
作者: aegis43210 (宇宙)   2015-04-28 20:10:00
作者: qaws68 (少抱怨 多做事)   2015-04-28 21:02:00
怎么最近都没听说有再发beta key了 ?
作者: amos9520 (读读读)   2015-04-28 21:04:00
之前有说会发第二波 针对一些高阶玩家
作者: GianniC (法官之无耻,是谓国耻!!!)   2015-04-28 23:02:00
作者: dnek (哪啊哪啊的合气道)   2015-04-28 23:29:00
作者: ColdP (......)   2015-04-29 00:26:00
作者: kira925 (1 2 3 4 疾风炭)   2015-04-29 14:34:00

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