[SC1 ] [联赛] 10th SonicTV Starleague 资讯

楼主: AaronSWAT (Aaron)   2015-01-02 23:41:32
主办: SonicTV
总奖金: 50,000,000 KRW = 45200 USD = 1436000 NTD
32个参赛选手名单 和这些人的之前战绩 (只计算Kespa时期结束后) 可看连结内.
Protoss 12 Terran 11 Zerg 9
Blue Storm
Fighting Spirit
Return of the King
Sin Peaks of Baekdu
目前32强已经比完, 当初分组名单和结果如下(有结果雷~):
开头连结里面点进去, 也可以看到每一场的VOD, youtube的.
Round of 32 Group Stage
Group A
December 24, 2014
1. Terran sSak 2-0
2. Protoss Movie 2-1
3. Zerg force[Name] 1-2
4. Zerg ZerO 0-2
Group B
December 24, 2014
1. Protoss Mini 2-0
2. Terran PianO 2-1
3. Zerg Killer 1-2
4. Terran firebathero 0-2
Group C
December 25, 2014
1. Protoss Snow 2-0
2. Terran Last 2-1
3. Zerg Kwanro 1-2
4. Terran Shinee 0-2
Group D
December 25, 2014
1. Terran Mong 2-0
2. Protoss Sea.KH 2-1
3. Zerg Hyuk 1-2
4. Terran ToSsGirL 0-2
Group E
December 31, 2014
1. Zerg hero 2-0
2. Protoss GuemChi 2-1
3. Terran Major 1-2
4. Protoss Zeus 0-2
Group F
December 31, 2014
1. Protoss Pure 2-0
2. Zerg Larva 2-1
3. Terran Sharp 1-2
4. Zerg By.Spire 0-2
Group G
January 1, 2015
1. Terran HiyA 2-0
2. Protoss free 2-1
3. Protoss Tyson 1-2
4. Protoss Lazy 0-2
Group H
January 1, 2015
1. Terran Mind 2-0
2. Protoss JangBi 2-1
3. Zerg Modesty 1-2
4. Protoss Shuttle 0-2
16强 根据上面连结, 时间和地点应该是: (韩文翻成英文)
1PM on Sundays and Thursdays (January 8~February 14) at Yongsan eSports Stadium
所以似乎是1/8 和 1/14, 台湾时间中五12点开始.
比赛场地照片 http://i.imgur.com/jTshk0r.jpg
Group A
Terran Mong
Protoss Movie
Protoss Pure
Protoss Mini
Group B
Terran Mind
Protoss JangBi
Terran PianO
Protoss free
Group C
Terran sSak
Zerg hero
Protoss Sea.KH
Protoss Snow
Group D
Terran HiyA
Zerg Larva
Terran Last
Protoss GuemChi
下面连结有这次比赛的官方宣传影片, 韩文的,
附上Teamliquid的英文翻译: (看了让我有点感动)
A league that surpasses all imagination begins!
Tearful Kim Carry at Tving 2012:
"For loving Starleague...and us, thank you"
Everyone thought that it was impossible,
that it was really the end.
Sonic at FIX Starleague: "And the winner is...BISU!"
The flame that was declared extinguished 2 year ago,
there are men who have kept it alive.
Everyone believed that it was the end of the road.
Dreams into reality
Ridicule into cheers
The path down which no one dared travel
The path that no one believed possible
The man who walked that road in silence
He finally did it
No longer memories but reality
A new era begins
The words that echo the pride of Starcraft 1
"The promise has been kept"
"Not an end but a new beginning"
Our clock never stopped ticking!
"Not an END but an AND"
Coming soon
Sbenu Starleague Group Selection Ceremony
作者: daihc (大猪头爱大美女)   2015-01-02 23:50:00
16强几乎都是过去的一线选手~零娘连SC1也回不去了吗?16强B组应该会很精彩 神Mind 张飞 灯哥 钢琴(我怎记得是P应该是我记错了
作者: aaronmissile (Aaron)   2015-01-02 23:54:00
作者: RIFF ( 向问天 )   2015-01-03 15:01:00
ZERO ZVT恢复很慢 ZVP就算是打BISU也还很强 胜负一半半ZVT是当今SC1的门槛,缺乏新思维。PVZ有BISU挑大梁,但除了BISU 其他P差很多。HungryApp Starz League with Kongdoo好像六点开打Hosting a Starleague was YellOw's wish since his progaming days. 是由老黄主导的。而且还有前MBC成员的监制。GoodFriend、Yellow、Reach、nal_ra 还组了个四人帮老黄还组了个办公室,这个办公室先前还针对 最强神jaehoon被抓到stream cheating事件做出惩处(?)
作者: aaronmissile (Aaron)   2015-01-03 18:02:00
作者: RIFF ( 向问天 )   2015-01-03 18:34:00
观众的椅子看起来很好坐 比以前的好
作者: AsanoSugi (Shan)   2015-01-03 18:51:00
作者: catwei (going nowhere)   2015-01-03 19:06:00
最近SC1的活动有点多 不会过一阵子韩国真的转回去自己玩吧虽然这样其他区的SC2玩家搞不好反而变多....
作者: AsanoSugi (Shan)   2015-01-03 19:30:00
作者: FAlin (TRANSFORM/marvelousroad)   2015-01-03 19:41:00
作者: RIFF ( 向问天 )   2015-01-03 19:46:00
hiya前期判断都不错 主矿三根防空晚了就整个完了hero的飞龙打T主矿的判断与反应 有近巅峰的水准
作者: aiiueo (aiiueo)   2015-01-03 21:14:00
不会转回去的 相信我 电竞这东西死了就是死了 CPR也没用
作者: dinbeer (少...笑死人了)   2015-01-04 03:19:00
同意楼上 转回去讲讲而已 真转了会变成笑话
作者: RIFF ( 向问天 )   2015-01-04 14:56:00
又是电竞元年 新年快乐~~

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