结论先说 测试图 地雷溅射从 40+40(护盾) 改为 40+20(护盾)
Hello everyone,
We’ve been assessing the state of Heart of the Swarm balance recently, and
while our data shows that balance at lower skill levels is quite even, we’ve
noted some concerns at the highest levels of play. We’re seeing that Terran
looks slightly stronger than the other two races, and Zerg is underperforming
slightly in both matchups.
我们评估最近的比赛,低端玩家依然平衡(阿天梯系统要怎么不平衡= =)
As suggested by pro players and members of the community, we feel the map
pool in Season 3 contributed a lot to these racial differences and we’re
going to be making changes next season to help with this. Our goal for the
upcoming season is to have a good mix of maps that are balanced as well as
some that slightly favor specific races. We’re currently working towards
finalizing the 2015 Season 1 map pool and we’re hoping that we can update to
the new ladder map pool later this month.
发2015年S1的地图啦,希望能够在一月前搞定。(Coming Sooooooooooooooon)
Additionally, we’ve been considering potential balance changes to help
address these issues. One area we’ve been keeping close tabs on that we
believe we can help improve balance is the strength of the Widow Mine in TvP.
We believe the direction of our last balance update was correct, but we
wonder if the actual numbers were slightly too much. We’re currently
thinking of testing the following change on a balance test map:
Widow mine splash damage decreased from 40 +40 shields to 40 +20 shields.
This will change a few key unit relationships such as Zealots requiring three
shots to die from Widow Mine splash damage to four shots and
Sentries/Templars would go from one shot to two shots.
We’re currently in the off-season, so we have time to fully test out changes
to the game, but we first wanted to hear your thoughts before committing to a
balance test map.
Thank you.