Terran (TerraN)
2014-08-28 20:45:35※ 引述《kira925 (1 2 3 4 疾风炭)》之铭言:
: : 嘘 Witness1129: 跟本捕风捉影,tt老板是很认真投入电竞的,sc2解散 08/28 13:54
: : → Witness1129: 跟本没有关系 08/28 13:54
: http://www.teamliquid.net/forum/viewpost.php?post_id=22700002
: To be honest, Tt eSports is the least professional and most disorganized of
: all the gaming peripheral companies. I'm only speaking from experience
: dealing with their North American office, mind you. Their North American
: office has been a complete mess for several years, they haven't had a
: stable esports/marketing person (they've had 5 people since 2011 hold the
: job); and they usually take anyone competent and send them to the
: global office (Eric).
: To give some more info and a story - we, CSL were sponsored by Tt eSports
: in 2011 and renewed the sponsorship in 2012. They had committed 10k for
: our finals, which was live in Florida with Day9 casting. The reason was
: they were planning a new product launch around that time, in June, and
: wanted to put a lot of marketing into promotion of the product in NA, a
: strategy they haven't really done before (most of their focus has been
: in Asia, where they're really big). Everything was cool, this was all agreed
: upon by their NA director at the time.
: Two weeks before the final, we got notice that 'oh, our product launch
: date changed so we aren't putting in this budget.' Just like that
: we lost half our budget for the event, everything (production, casting,
: had already been paid out of my pocket. We scrambled to figure out a
: solution and escalated the issue up to their global office and we ended
: up getting 3k out of them. We ran a fundraiser via TL and ended up raising
: 5k to cover most of the player flights and it ended up being a fun event,
: but that was the end of our relationship with Tt eSports.
: We've worked with Razer since then and they've been very professional and
: awesome. <3 Razer
: 真是好认真投入电竞阿 要推出产品的时候大方的跟什么一样 10k美金合约随便签
: 产品难产就说我们不给钱了 最后给个3k了事坑主办单位 好认真的投入电竞^.<
: http://www.teamliquid.net/forum/viewpost.php?post_id=22701621
: Being the ex-owner of CheckSix Gaming, I can say that Ttesports was close to
: a year late on their payment for the last 4 months of the contract term. I
: can back up what Xeris claimed about the NA region. For about 6 months
: TteSports didn't even have North American staff. They turned over all of
: their regional employees and had all NA business reverted back to Corporate.
: 欠了人家一年的钱 真是认真投入电竞阿^.<~
: http://www.teamliquid.net/forum/viewpost.php?post_id=22699649
: It's not rude to ask. I'm not a prominent figure in e-Sports and I honestly
: prefer it that way. But my name is Stephen and I work on the business team
: at KeSPA. I deal with all the foreign companies, PR, and stream. Since TT
: esports is a Taiwan based company I have been the person speaking with them
: for the past 2 weeks to resolve this issue without having to go through other
: legal channels. I have discussed the contract extensively with TT esports
: and can guarantee that Prime has done nothing to violate the contract and has
: always been very quick to send whatever they were asked.
: 阿说好赞助PRIME的钱勒? 你要派选手人家就派选手 要合作就合作
: 现在欠了半年的钱还没付 KeSPA来要都要不到 官方声明也没有
: 这真是好认真投入电竞阿^.<~
jjelm (elm)
2014-08-28 20:47:00可是瑞凡 你原文没删啊xd
Terran (TerraN)
2014-08-28 20:48:00附注 Tt真的是好公司啊我承认都是Mo PTT惹得祸别再骂Tt了 他们真的很用心耕耘台湾这块市场
Terran (TerraN)
2014-08-28 20:54:00Acer因为在电竞这一块没有打太深 所以就不提 在台湾大概和Gigabyte在同一等级
kioh (NG中~)
2014-08-28 20:55:00看漫展跟某比赛人数一比,只能说台湾电竞市场真的太小了xdd
<--重度动漫迷 但还是只去看电竞比赛 没参加过漫展
vic81324 (eGamers are Everywhere)
2014-08-28 21:51:00eGamers 有s啦>\\\<
KTZest (P7GAB)
2014-08-28 21:56:00TIMBA 昨天才刚输给人类
有点想知道Tt用心耕耘的例子 毕竟现在看到的都是负面消息..
Terran (TerraN)
2014-08-28 22:35:00Tt退出很简单 不能再继续烧钱了
Zeroyeu (凌羽)
2014-08-28 22:36:00这些大厂宁可赞助国外队伍真让人不爽
Terran (TerraN)
2014-08-28 22:36:00现在连华硕ROG的产品都在国外发展的如火如荼我同意你们的看法 但归根究底 今天重点在于 TeSL这个领头羊 单就批评Tt不是明智之举韩国电竞GSL那时期的队伍 有多少是只靠宿舍伙食 和 奖金来过日子
mmmbop (wanderlust)
2014-08-28 22:40:00恩 欠钱也算耕耘吗?
Terran (TerraN)
2014-08-28 22:41:00但台湾没办法这么做 也就没人敢来组"非公司企业这种不怕倒"的俱乐部
Terran (TerraN)
2014-08-28 22:43:00欠钱这点我是不予置评 因为只有当事人知道 今天我讨论的是其对于台湾耕耘这块我想表达的是整个鬼岛电竞圈的病症Tt真的是有心 只是公关需要再加强 真的很烂
作者: a29813287 (ShyanWang) 2014-08-28 22:48:00
照这样说跟橘子差不多阿 一开始有心想玩后来就收手了
Terran (TerraN)
2014-08-28 22:49:00橘子有心?从头到尾都是为了跑跑吧?
作者: a29813287 (ShyanWang) 2014-08-28 22:50:00
Terran (TerraN)
2014-08-28 22:50:00如果今天CSO要上电竞项目 橘子肯定二话不说继续砸钱我的意思是 Tt原本是有心的 但是看到TeSL城府这么深 当然会收手看看其他两个项目的收视率如果跑跑或SF能开一名月薪10K(举例)那他们当然愿意
ASUS BenQ MSI Tt要义电竞队伍 你哪来的消息
Terran (TerraN)
2014-08-28 22:54:00G社会收掉自己搞GPL也不是没理由llzzyy01 你看清楚点吧 我内文有说前提吧他们看不到未来性 自然不敢去开队伍 签下去就要照合约跑呢选手也没那么笨跟你开短约我不敢说我是圈内人 但是SOC eGamer TeSL我都有认识的 都有去打听包括在做电竞配备的所以知道这口生意在台湾到底是赚钱还是赔钱鼠标光是开个模就要一两百万 更何况不只一只
做100件好事 然后做了一件坏事 这个人就一定烂到底了
应该所有人都知道是赔钱的吧 不需要认识那么多人XD
Terran (TerraN)
2014-08-28 23:09:00对 但这边是谈到行销效益网银烧钱 是做善事 一方面帮公司节税Tt就没有那么大的资本额敢去这样烧 但他还是做了现在只是说他变成有点射后不理 这个是他们公关的问题
Terran (TerraN)
2014-08-28 23:18:00Sen的决定真的很明智 待在鬼岛只会害了自己
可是Tt的资本额貌似比yoe还高? #1G6K50Mu
Sen如果当初不愿意回来 台湾星海也不会发展成这样
Terran (TerraN)
2014-08-28 23:26:00老黄狗 你得看曜越电竞这子公司 子公司财务是独立出来的
你以为做了一堆鸟事后,靠公关就可掩饰掉吗? 不可能
Terran (TerraN)
2014-08-29 01:10:00那公关是拿来干嘛的 Tt到现在有明显的公告关于欠赞助费的事情?公关不是拿来掩饰 是用来平息众怒
syldsk (Iluvia)
2014-08-29 01:34:00只有一款全世界都有市场另外两款无法扩大需求,会收掉很正常,况且那两款不管在软件还硬件也都无法创造需求
winklly (阿鸟)
2014-08-29 10:12:00射后不理可以说成是公关的事情也太好笑那以后赞助是不是出张嘴画唬烂就好
PSO (SuGer.Fishing)
2014-08-29 10:53:00赞助这种东西就是台面上大家看很好,台面下..不要问很可怕XD差点忘了,当初OMG短线商也要进来TESL,打了一届比赛就跑了好像电竞二年还是三年吧,打自己品牌的射击游戏办一次就没下文,现在想想的确符合"短线商"的个性,那种只想赚钱不肯烧钱的厂商你觉得会想把电竞办成功办长久吗?TT只是搭了电竞起飞潮起来,但是毕竟只是硬件商后劲不足几个事件之后就下坠了......但是看到现在罗技才开始赞助LOL赞助射击游戏(这个TWOP上有宣传?),是说环境造厂商还是先投入的厂商来造就现在这个环境? 姑且不提当初G社把LOL捧起来现在也在持续下坠中,但是如果LOL换成橘子还是OMG呢?电竞会有现在这样盛况?
QBRoboT (/一二三二一\)
2014-08-30 17:33:00台湾CS教父包子,日前都公开表示,亚洲根本就没有办CSGO的基底,再加上CSGO的比赛几乎都集中在欧洲,光飞过去的机票与住宿一个人就要数十万,还重点是不一定能打进决赛圈,这样子的状况,还有谁敢办,就算办起来了,也一定会被酸说国内王,不敢去欧洲打国际赛之类的话