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Before we begin, I’d like to point out these changes are for a test map.
There seems to be some confusion when we’ve tested changes in the past that
all the changes we are testing are going to be patched into the game. This is
simply not the case. Please keep this in mind as you consider and respond to
the change-list.
在开始之前, 我想指出这些改动仅是在测试地图上. 你们会觉得疑惑那之前的测试
改动是否已经要被加入patch中? 并没有!! 请在下评论前考虑这件事!
Mothership Core vision radius decreased from 14 to 9
We currently feel this would be a helpful change, but we’re worried that a
vision radius decrease doesn’t really nerf the highest end Protoss players
who are positioning the Mothership Core perfectly already. We’ll talk to
professional Protoss players about this one once the test map goes live.
我们目前认为这是个有帮助的改变, 但我们担心其实这改变对那些总把妈妈球摆在
完美位置的高端神族选手没有用. 我们将会和神族职业选手讨论这件事.
Blink cooldown increased from 10 to 15
This is a more direct nerf that affects all Protoss players. If Blink play
continues to be problematic, this is the sort of thing we’d want to have
tested and prepared to put in the game.
这是对神族玩家最直接的且有感的nerf. 如果闪现持续IMBA, 我们会把这改动加入!
Widow Mine splash damage component deals 40 + 40 shield damage
We’ve seen some games against Protoss where Widow Mines are used, and they
are very exciting to watch, whether they’re just Widow Mine drops or Widow
Mines in combination with the Terran army (while sniping Observers). We feel
like both of these strategies could use a bit of help. The Widow Mine
potential against Protoss basic units will be unchanged for direct hits, but
we’d reduce the number of indirect hits required against units like
Stalkers, Zealots, or Sentries. Also, when using Widow Mine drops against
Protoss, the chance of splash damage one-shotting Probes will increase
我们看到了一些用地雷对抗神族的比赛, 而且在在空投地雷或是混合人类部队(狙击掉
观察者后)对观赏是非常刺激的. 我们认为这种策略对TVP有一些帮助. 地雷对抗神族
基本单位的直接伤害不会变, 但我们减少了地雷对抗成群的不朽者, 狂战士和哨兵时所
需要的数量. 而且, 当空投地雷到神族家时, 屠农的效果会更好.
Tempest ground weapon damage increased from 30 to 30+30-to-structures
We still think this is a good change, and we want to see more testing with
it. If Tempests gain more ability to wear down Zerg defenses, Zerg players
will be less incentivized to play a completely defensive style. Surprisingly,
we’ve gotten a lot of feedback that proxy Tempest rushes are too strong
right now, and this change would make that strategy even stronger, but we’ve
been watching all of the major tournament games, and we still don’t think it
’s being used enough (or being used at all). If you can identify some games
where the best of the best pro players have successfully used this strategy
against a formidable opponent, please let us know. We’d like to check out
such games and analyze them.
我们认为这个仍然是上次测试地图中较好的改变, 我们想看到更多的测试. 如果暴风
舰给虫族防守更大的威胁, 会激励虫族选手不要玩得那么防守, 令人惊讶的是我们收
到了很多回馈表示这项改变会让暴风舰快攻变得太强. 但我们看了各大联赛并没有看
到这招被使用(译: has表示). 所以如果有关于顶尖玩家成功的用这招的录像请让我知
道, 我们会去分析他的影响有多大.
Hydralisk delay between attacks decreased from .83 to .75
蛇蛇攻击间隔从0.83减少到0.75 (增加射速)
This would increase Hydralisk damage output against all targets by about 10%.
Our stance on Hydralisks needing a buff in TvZ and ZvZ hasn’t changed.
Additionally, the trend toward Protoss being stronger than Zerg has
continued. We need more time and results to draw conclusions on the
most-recent balance patch, but we’d like to be prepared to help Zerg here if
it’s necessary.
这会增加蛇蛇大概10%的伤害. 我们对帮助蛇蛇在ZVT和ZVZ的态度不会改变, 而且这
会让蛇蛇对神族的强势持续下去. 我们需要更多时间去评估这项改动, 但如果有必要
Again, none of these are final; we’re just testing these changes. We do this
so that potential changes are tested and ready if another balance patch is
needed. We do not aim to have every single change we test go into the live
game. We'll be releasing a test map later this week, but until then, your
feedback here is greatly appreciated.
再次声明, 这些都还不是最终结论. 我们会去测试这些改变. 我们会将测试完成且OK
的潜在改动在下一个平衡patch中加入, 但不是每一个测的都会加入. 我们会在这礼拜
稍晚发布测试地图, 在这之前任何的回馈都是我们乐于见到的.