As a follow-up to last week's discussion on balance, we constructed a more
in-depth look at what we're thinking, especially considering how popular the
topic is right now for this community
就像上周讨论的一样, 这次我们会把想法更深入的表达出来, 顺便看看这个问题有多么夯
First, let's take a look at what we're seeing on the ladder. These are what the matchup win percentages look like per league across the three
major regions, from the start of the season through today:
首先, 来看看更种族在三大地区的胜率
Click here for the win percentages
Please keep in mind these are not straight-up win percentages. They're win
percentages with player skill factored out. When we grab win/loss data for
balance purposes, we categorize each game with 2 different variables per side
: one being player skill and other being race strength. So by factoring the
player skill out, we are able to more accurately check how each race is doing
at each skill level.
必须要注意的是, 这不是普通的胜率而已, 这是哥精心设计的将选手技能因子排除的胜率
分布, 当我们研究胜率时, 有两个因子, 第一是选手技能, 第二是种族的imba程度, 我们
将选手因子排除了, 就可以直接观察到各族的imba程度
As you can see, Protoss does have an edge in PvT that slightly surpasses the
minor advantages existing in other matchups. Nonetheless, the popular belief
that Terran almost never wins vs. Protoss can be put to rest. The data does
suggest that yes, we probably want to make some minor balance tweaks if this
trend continues, but we don't have a clear indication that major changes
are called for.
就像各位看到的, PVT这个组合比起其他组合神族有着些微的优势, 但是并不如大家之前
所说的一样人族在PVT就只能打gg, 这资料显示若这总趋势持续, 目前我们想些微调整平
衡是对的, 但这并不意味着需要很大的改变
We absolutely hear your concerns about GM league representation not being
evenly distributed. Obviously, we'd like to see even numbers of players at
every skill level, but this one in particular presents two issues: it's a
very small sample size, and it doesn't represent the pro level very well in
all three regions. This is not to say that GM representation balance doesn't
matter - it does matter. We simply believe in putting a bigger emphasis on
the pro level as well as all of the other league levels
我们也听到了各位对宗师总族分布的关心, 但是哥考量的是整体, 首先, 宗师的样本数很
少, 并不能真正反映三大地区的顶尖玩家, 这并不是哥要呛声说宗师联赛不重要, 宗师联
赛很重要, 我们也会更重视这个游戏顶尖玩家的平衡性
Speaking of the pro level, we've been getting a lot of feedback from pro
players that is contrary to what we were hearing from them last season.
This seems to be mostly because of the results for Protoss pros this week in
Proleague play. It's the only major tournament going on right now, and it
represents a sample size that is too small to draw any broad conclusions from,
but Protoss players have lost at a noticeable clip in that tournament. As of
this writing, they've recorded only 11 wins in 35 non-mirror matchups. As
always, we're closely following everything, and fortunately we have the WCS
qualifiers getting underway to look at.
就顶尖玩家来说, 我们已经接受到玩家更多关于顶尖联赛的回馈, 而这些回馈跟上个赛季
是很不一样的, 这些应该是因为神族在顶尖联赛中(应是指SPL)各种imba的结果, SPL是目
前最重要的联赛, 但样本数很少, 并无法能从中得到什么结论, 但是最近神族又开始各种
输, 到目前为止, 我们只记录到神族在35个非同族对战中赢了11次, 就像往常一样, 我们
会追踪任何事, 幸运的事WCS资格赛要开打了, 我们会继续追踪
This is a time to continue discussing and reading your feedback on ways to
slightly nerf Protoss or slightly buff Terran in the PvT matchup. Our
multiplayer team's focus going forward in the next weeks is definitely on this
area. However, if the ladder data changes and/or if the pro level continues
to skew, we're open to changing our direction. We've seen plenty of times in
the past where meta games change at the pro level, and that translates to
changes in balance at other skill levels on the ladder
现在是好好讨论在PVT中稍微加强人族削弱神族的时候了, 我们的多玩家团队将在接下来
的数周好好观察, 但是, 假如P有一点可能不这么IMBA, 那我们随时可能会将我们的方向
改变, 我们之前已经观察到很多次当游戏改变从顶尖玩家到其他阶级的效果
Please understand: we're looking most closely at areas that you, the players
believe to be the biggest issues. Please continue providing your constructive
feedback. We always want to be as sure as possible when making balance updates
to the game.
拜托在听哥说一次, 我们总是很关心你们的, 玩家在游戏中是最重要的, 我们想听听你们
Thank you very much!
出处 http://us.battle.net/sc2/en/forum/topic/11224302374