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作者: love1500274 (CoWuCoWu) 看板: NBA
标题: [情报] 马刺Charles Bassey ACL断裂赛季报销
时间: Wed Dec 13 07:05:08 2023
Spurs say center Charles Bassey tore the ACL in his left knee and will miss
the remainder of the season.
Bassey averaged 3.3 points and 4.0 rebounds in 19 games this season while
shooting 72.5% from the floor.
Bassey tore his ACL playing with the Austin Spurs on Sunday.
马刺中锋Charles Bassey 左膝前十字韧带断裂,将缺席本赛剩余比赛。
Bassey 本季出赛 19 场,场均得到 3.3 分和 4.0 篮板,投篮命中率为 72.5%。
此伤发生在周日的G League赛中