A huge thank you to the @spurs organization and family, fans, coaches, staff
and front office. Took a chance in a 18 year old kid from Latvia drafting me
8 years ago. Thank you is not enough. I’ll miss you San Antonio!
But on the same note I’m excited for my new chapter and joining the
@WashWizards I always take change as a new challenge and I can promise that
I'll do my best to help the team get as many wins as possible this season.
Let's go #DCFamily
八年前 在选秀会上给一个来自拉脱维亚的18岁小孩一个机会
由衷的感谢 我会想念圣安东尼奥的
同样地 我很兴奋迈入下一个旅程加入华盛顿巫师队
我保证我会竭尽所能地帮助球队赢下每场胜利 Let's go #DCFamily
心得:Farewell Bertans