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作者: jimmy5680 (不太会飞的企鹅) 看板: NBA
标题: [情报] Stephen Jackson: Popovich不尊重我
时间: Fri Dec 9 21:36:44 2016
https://www.facebook.com/SApaintzone/posts/1260453427309205:0 (参考中文翻译)
Stephen Jackson 在 ESPN 的节目上被问到说,他生涯中是否也有不被尊重的经验,
他回答说他在2013年感觉不被 Popovich 尊重。
"In San Antonio when I was asked to say other players were better than me to
help their confidence so they can play better. That was the most
disrespectful thing that I've ever heard from any coach in my life. But at
the same time was dealing with the smartest coach I ever met in my life."
“在San Antonio的时候我被要求承认有两位球员比我出色来提升他们的自信心,激励他
"I want you to basically admit that these guys are better than you and we
need them going forward to the playoffs. And I would not do it," expanded
Jackson on his talk with Pop.
Jackson 拒绝这个要求。
"That's when I got waived right before the playoffs in San Antonio. He
[Popovich] asked me to do it and I told him I could not do it.
Jackson 认为他就是因为拒绝服从所以被马刺开除。
"I walked out."
"It's simple Danny Green and Manu Ginobili. They were playing ahead of me.
Ginobili was playing like trash at the time, turning the ball over all over
the place."
"I just felt like he [Popovich] should've played me."