在本版吸收大家的经验跟知识,小弟感激不尽,这次来介绍‘用 Go 语言实作 Job
Queue 机制’,用简单的 Channel + Goroutine 来实现简单的 Job Queue,底下是投影
1. what is the different unbuffered and buffered channel?
2. how to implement a job queue in golang?
3. how to stop the worker in a container?
4. Shutdown with Sigterm Handling
5. Canceling Workers without Context
6. Graceful shutdown with worker
7. How to auto-scaling build agent?
8. How to cancel the current Job
里面讲了很多实作细节,后续会将上面的细节录制成影片,放在 Udemy 或 Youtube 上面
部落格: https://blog.wu-boy.com/2019/10/job-queue-in-golang/
投影片: https://www.slideshare.net/appleboy/job-queue-in-golang-184064840
Youtube 影片: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCLCZJ9d_I7UJP2bpXpge8KA