cct0207 (河童狗是河童欧~)
2007-09-04 11:43:57※ [本文转录自 cct0207 信箱]
作者: cct0207 (河童狗是河童欧~)
标题: [网宣]龙应台基金会推出台北沙龙:民主开放=新闻沉沦?
时间: Fri Aug 17 16:35:07 2007
The Taipei Salon
Responsible Media in Democracy?
The increasingly aggressive, intrusive and controversial news coverage
have come under escalating criticism in Taiwan, Hong Kong, United States
and many other places worldwide. Are the media becoming morally unethical
or are they inevitable products of more press freedoms in growing
competitive marketplaces? Is it possible to have press freedom, democracy
and responsible media?
讲者 Speaker
韦杜灵 香港大学新闻暨媒体研究中心新闻法研究计画主任
Doreen Weisenhaus / Director of the Media Law Project, Journalism and Media
Studies Centre, The University of Hong Kong
Doreen Weisenhaus is a specialist in media law and ethics. Prior to joining
HKU in 2000, she was city editor of The New York Times. Prior to that,
Weisenhaus was editor-in-chief of the National Law Journal. She was also a
prosecutor in New York City. Weisenhaus holds a Juris Doctor degree from
Northwestern University School of Law ( Chicago, USA).
与谈 Discussant
徐璐 中华电信基金会执行长
Hsu Lu / CEO of Chunghwa Telecom Foundation
主持 Moderator
何志 美国在台协会文化新闻组组长暨发言人
Thomas Mark Hodges / Public Affairs Section Chief & Spokesman of AIT
全程英语 不备翻译 ENGLISH ONLY
时间: 2007 年9月8 日 (六 ) 14:00~ 17:00
地点:月涵堂会议厅 (台北市金华街110号 )
报名:电话02-33224907 传真02-33224918 网络 http://www.civictaipei.org
Date: 14:00 – 17:00, Saturday, 8 Sep 2007
Venue : Yue-han Hall (110 Jinhua Street , Taipei)
Registration: Tel 02-33224907 Fax 02-33224918 Online http://www.civictaipei.org