unknown (ya)
2004-12-07 20:40:54I was 52-2 G8 polictical officer.
I think G8 and G7 are all in 913, right?
Maybe I can give you some advices.
1. You are dead! You will be fucking busy during next year.
2. Take it easy! When you retire, everything will be good memory.
3. Enjoy your military life. Excirse regularly, and study as much as possible.
4. Good Luck!!!
※ 引述《gaiten (apea)》之铭言:
: 学长好 学弟是五十四期的学弟
: 今年空军除了一支东引签 全部都到防警去了
: 学弟抽到G7担任营政战官
: 请问有学长待过这个单位吗
: 防警大家都说不好 请问学长防警的政战官
: 要做些什么事呢 有什么需要特别注意的地方呢
: 谢谢学长