※ [本文转录自 NSwitch 看板 #1RsppZRx ]
作者: asd456fgh778 (6_6) 看板: NSwitch
标题: [情报] 任天堂明星大乱斗 特别版 命の灯火 歌词
时间: Fri Nov 2 01:50:23 2018
とりどりの色たちがつむぐ 炎の螺旋
果てしなく続いてく はるかから受け継いだ光
空が落ちたあの日 目にしたのは
朽ちる明星か 尽きない宵闇か
永远(とわ)に続くような しじまの中
无数の魂が ほのかな鼓动を打つ
命の灯火 全ての人たち
吹き抜けてゆく风に 身をゆだねたまま
生けるものが かすかな光を放ち消える
悠久の刻の中駆ける さだめと绊
とりどりの色たちがつむぐ 炎の螺旋
果てしなく続いてく はるかから受け継いだ光
めぐる因果の中 息が芽吹き
新たなる命が包む この大地で
戦い 交わる 全ての人たち
立ち上がり踏み出して 明日へ进みゆく
生けるものが かすかな光で织りなす星
悠久の彼方まで 魂たちは歌う
とりどりの色たちがつむぐ 炎の螺旋
果てしなく続いてく どこまでも流れゆく光
Colors weave into a spire of flame
Distant sparks call to a past still unnamed
Bear this torch against the cold of the night
Search your soul and reawaken the undying light
On that day, when the sky fell away
Our world came to an end
In our eyes, did a fading sun rise in the dark?
Glimmering shadows
Silence grows, in the spaces between
stretching out beyond time
Rising up, as a chorus of souls find a voice
flickering through the void
These little sparks, cling on to life,
everyone caught in the struggle,
And then the storms of change, they fan the flames
scattering ashes to the wind
Every soul contains a whisper of light
gleaming faintly as it dwindles from sight
No escape, no greater fate to be made
In the end, the chains of time will not break
Colors weave into a spire of flame
Distant sparks call to a past still unnamed
Bear this torch against the cold of the night
Search your soul and reawaken the undying light
As fate spins a thread without end,
new life draws its first breath,
Blossoming in a soil reclaimed from the past,
where our future holds fast,
Here where we stand, hand clenched in hand
everyone caught in the struggle,
This is the day we finally find our way
stepping into our tomorrow
Every soul contains a whisper of light
growing louder as it calls to unite
From the distance sings a chorus of souls
rising slowly, stirring heat from the coals
Colors weave into a spire of flame
Distant sparks call to a past still unnamed
Bear this torch against the cold of the night
Light will guide you, on your way to the ultimate fight