[转录] 03/12 Daily Horoscope

楼主: cliched (巴豆妖)   2023-03-12 07:47:52
Scorpio horoscope for 星期日 3月 12
Scorpio horoscope for 星期日 3月 12
A conflict with a family member can be worse than any other kind of argument.
That's because you have known that person for so long and know each other so w
ell that all of your vulnerabilities and hot buttons are well-known and can be
easily tapped. You may be on the verge of an argument with a family member, S
corpio, so try to remember what might be at stake. Do you really want to go th
ere? Or is what you're upset about somewhat trivial? It will probably be forgo
tten very soon. Don't add unnecessary stress to your life.
作者: k7156335 (IKARASHI乌贼岚)   2023-03-12 22:35:00
作者: et252784 (et252784)   2023-03-12 23:46:00

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