[转录] 02/08 Daily Horoscope

楼主: cliched (巴豆妖)   2023-02-08 04:49:03
Scorpio horoscope for 星期三 2月 8
Scorpio horoscope for 星期三 2月 8
You may have recently gotten started again on a project you began with gusto b
ut then abandoned. You thought about it during the time it wasn't active, thou
gh, and now you are returning to it because you want to finish what you starte
d. Even so, you may be giving in to thoughts that it might not be worth the ef
fort, or maybe you even feel that this would not be a valid use of your time a
ny more. Don't go there, Scorpio. If you thought enough of it to return to it,
if even just in your thoughts, and in fact to start it in the first place, th
en it is a good use of your time. Pour your heart into it without doubts, and
you will see good results in time.
作者: et252784 (et252784)   2023-02-08 12:25:00
作者: k7156335 (IKARASHI乌贼岚)   2023-02-09 07:50:00

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