[转录] 16/10 Daily Horoscope

楼主: cliched (巴豆妖)   2021-10-16 01:51:57
Scorpio horoscope for 星期六 10月 16
Scorpio horoscope for 星期六 10月 16
The reason behind a connection to someone in your world may not be obvious. Yo
u may feel drawn to someone you know who is more on the periphery of your life
than at its center, and this is something you definitely need to explore. Whe
n you feel that way, Scorpio - about a person, a place, or a goal - it is esse
ntial that you explore the reasons for your unexplained feelings. There is a r
eason you are drawn in that direction, and it may be important to your destine
d path in life. Have fun figuring it out.
作者: eduishappy (开心就好)   2021-10-16 03:55:00

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