You need to convey your truth about a personal matter to someone, but you
may be tempted to express this in a very emotional way - because that is
the way it makes you feel. But you will have the greatest impact if you
stick to the facts and present what you need as a logical conclusion.
Getting too emotional about this may create a lack of credibility, even
though you speak the truth. Joining forces with someone this week that you
don't get along with to conquer a shared goal could be a win/win. If you
can set aside your differences to get this done, Scorpio, you may find
that you actually make a pretty good team, which could pave the way for a
better relationship and successful endeavors in the future. Your home
space may be emphasized this week. There could be talk of a move, a home
purchase, or some other big change in your home environment. As you seek
out possibilities, it may seem as though you are embarking on a path that
was meant to be. Spend some time focusing on ideas for a future plan. You
may be able to connect with someone who has experience in this area who
can serve as a mentor or a guide.