kl25082 (è²)
2019-01-21 03:54:47The answer to a problem or a challenge you are now facing may seem
elusive, Scorpio. No matter how hard you strive... no matter who you
ask... no matter where you look for the answer, you have not found it. But
you are missing one source - yourself. Introspection should help you
figure out what you want, the answer to your question will become
extremely obvious to you. So, stop looking outside for an answer that is
alread in your heart.
你现在正在面临的某个问题或挑战似乎无解,天蝎。不论你多么努力地奋斗 不论
你问了谁 不论你去哪里寻找都找不到答案。可是你遗漏了某个根源——你自己。