[情报] 10/16 The Daily Horoscope

楼主: onedaydream (孟颍)   2014-10-16 01:40:25
Does it seem as though someone is trying to steal
your joy, Scorpio? Whether that person is doing so
intentionally or not, it is a real challenge that
you're wrestling with.
You have hopefully made a commitment to yourself to
absorb all the joy that surrounds you, but when someone
is interfering with or blocking your happiness in some
way, it is a hard thing to deal with. Or - at least it
seems like a hard thing to deal with.
Ultimately, though, you are in control. That's
what you have to keep in mind now, as you may encounter
some negative or challenging or volatile people in the
days ahead. Cling to your joy like a life raft, and you
will happily sail forward into calmer days.
作者: JuJuMi (茱咪)   2014-10-16 02:29:00
作者: jingl (疯狂叫什么名字)   2014-10-16 03:44:00
作者: maninblue   2014-10-16 09:15:00
作者: Holabrown56 (holabrown)   2014-10-16 10:30:00
作者: accompany (Fay)   2014-10-16 13:54:00
作者: nges10310 (隳坏)   2014-10-16 15:08:00
作者: ScoTB (Koala)   2014-10-16 22:02:00
辛苦了 : )

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