[情报] Daily Horoscope 9/5

楼主: misa4824 (里纱)   2019-09-05 09:51:07
Sagittarius horoscope for Sep 5 2019
You may have a lot of ideas about where a certain endeavor is going. In your m
ind, you may be several steps ahead of where you are in reality. You can envis
ion the twists and turns, and you can revel in the rewards you are sure will c
ome. But living so far into the future is never wise because it means you will
miss out on the present and because you may miss out on chances to start expl
oring directions that you would never have thought of. Embrace what you have n
ow, Sagittarius, and immerse yourself in the experience.
作者: Ilou (veyo)   2019-09-05 12:14:00
作者: tomdanny75 (毛a( ′-`)y-~)   2019-09-05 12:14:00

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