[情报] Daily Horoscope 7/26

楼主: misa4824 (里纱)   2019-07-25 20:03:36
Sagittarius horoscope for Jul 26 2019
This can be a very productive day for you, Sagittarius, so start it off with h
igh hopes and happy expectations. Yes, you will need to be alert to possible p
roblems, as you always are, but don't go into it expecting that there will be
trouble. Although you will have to remain tuned in to what's going on around y
ou, you must also exude a carefree vibration. Doing so will send positive ener
gy out to everyone you deal with, and it will surround you in a protective way
. You can accomplish a lot with important projects if you are mindful and awar
e of your state of mind.
作者: mapleXD (厚厚)   2019-07-25 20:08:00
作者: freezeblue (管)   2019-07-25 20:20:00
作者: young3504 (Young Ku)   2019-07-25 20:46:00
推 希望明天工作效率高
作者: az1456322 (帅羊)   2019-07-25 20:59:00
推 谢谢
作者: littleoria (Oria)   2019-07-25 21:23:00
推 希望大家明天都顺利
作者: Ilou (veyo)   2019-07-25 22:29:00
作者: yoshihiko (sunfish)   2019-07-25 22:32:00
谢谢m大 希望大家都顺心
作者: tomdanny75 (毛a( ′-`)y-~)   2019-07-25 23:04:00
作者: deankobe (DeanWang)   2019-07-25 23:23:00
边观察边散发无忧无虑的气息 这太难吧 哈哈哈听起来像痴汉...
作者: xichon (Shin-Chon)   2019-07-26 00:13:00
希望今天可以上班后很有效率的下班看来是被Kobe 大偷走了哈哈哈哈
作者: deankobe (DeanWang)   2019-07-26 00:56:00
作者: smallsecret (宓宓有很多祕密喔)   2019-07-26 03:20:00
作者: glorytaichun   2019-07-26 06:49:00
作者: c80294 (Rogan)   2019-07-26 12:37:00
作者: Keffton (Keff)   2019-07-26 13:16:00
撑完下午~ 外访待久一点等下班啊啊…
作者: tomdanny75 (毛a( ′-`)y-~)   2019-07-26 13:56:00
今天早上很黑暗 下午似乎有好转

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