[情报] Daily horoscope 7/20

楼主: misa4824 (里纱)   2019-07-20 01:13:19
Sagittarius horoscope for Jul 20 2019
Life has its ups and downs for everyone. Some challenges and crises can be avo
ided if we plan ahead or if we take measures to prevent problems and trouble.
But not everything can be planned for, as you may be discovering now, Sagittar
ius. But that does not mean that you won't face a current challenge with great
fortitude and strength or that you won't be able to resolve it because it spr
ung up suddenly and hadn't been planned for. Your resourcefulness is legendary
. You will find a way. Believe it and be sure of it.
作者: deankobe (DeanWang)   2019-07-20 01:55:00
作者: f60526 (Ivy)   2019-07-20 02:04:00
作者: jepk007 (NW-吉普)   2019-07-20 09:42:00
如果摔倒是必然 就变成运气好了
作者: tomdanny75 (毛a( ′-`)y-~)   2019-07-20 10:56:00
作者: asen (Sen)   2019-07-20 14:06:00
我都自己贴耶 买便宜的

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