要尽可能的快乐,你必须学会爱上生活中的挑战 - 不只是一切顺利的完美时光。
但不是有一些有价值的东西要学习吗? 或有趣的令你想笑?如果你去关注,你会发现一些有益的东西,而它,不会让你觉得像做一堆苦差事。
To be as happy as possible, you must learn to love the challenges life throws at
you - not just the perfect times when everything goes your way. You may be facing an uphill battle now, Sagittarius. It may be frustrating and stressful, but
you must face it anyway, so you might as well find something good in it, and something to enjoy about it.
You may think that's impossible, and that you should just get on with it. But isn't there some valuable thing to learn, or something funny you can laugh about? If you look, you will find something beneficial, and it won't feel as much like a chore.