[情报] Daily horoscope 9/12

楼主: misa4824 (里纱)   2017-09-12 09:20:42
Sagittarius horoscope for Tuesday Sep 12
You may be negotiating with someone now, Sagittarius. You are a clever negotia
tor, and you toe the line. You are great at wearing a poker face, and you neve
r bend unless you are pushed into it. But right now, you may need to be more o
pen to compromise than you usually are. Someone else you are involved with is
quite a good negotiator too. This person may also be good at the bluff, and yo
u would be wise to consider ahead of time what you want out of this. If you ca
n give up a little now, you will do quite well for yourself in the grand schem
e of things.
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