今天某人跟你说的一件事情 只包含了部分的事实
如果能掌握整个事情的全貌 你是最自在不过的了
但有时候事实会因为其他更明白的理由 被直接被藏起来或是有部分事实被忽略跳过去
(这边所说的“更明白的理由”我不是很确定 有可能很单纯就是资讯不足而已
阿姨觉得很玄 还在仰望天花板思考这是怎么回事.......
A story someone tells you today may reveal only a part of the truth.
You are someone who feels most comfortable when you have all the facts,
but as you must know by now, that isn't always possible. Sometimes the
truth is concealed with the intention to deceive, but sometimes the truth
is hidden or partially omitted for other, more understandable reasons.
Since you don't know the whole story just yet, Sagittarius, try not to
make any assumptions. It will all become perfectly clear very soon.