[情报] 6/16 The Daily Horoscope

楼主: sujaya (云 悦)   2016-06-15 23:33:33
Thursday Jun 16
You would love it if a certain person would support and encourage a new idea
of yours, Sagittarius. You want so much to believe that you are doing the
right thing, though, that you could easily be swayed by flattery, whether the
flatterer is knowledgeable and experienced on the matter or not. Don’t blind
yourself to potential troubles or flaws because your passion is blinding you,
or you will inadvertently create a barrier between yourself and success. Be
objective, and you will be better able to create a strong strategy.
作者: asen (Sen)   2016-06-15 23:36:00
作者: xichon (Shin-Chon)   2016-06-15 23:40:00
作者: CaiMom (孬孬宪)   2016-06-15 23:43:00
作者: nonetear (名无し)   2016-06-16 00:05:00
作者: pupujelly (哪里来的骆驼客)   2016-06-16 00:15:00
作者: kathy4106   2016-06-16 00:27:00
作者: karose48 (转转)   2016-06-16 03:52:00
作者: unclebenjohn (期待幸福)   2016-06-16 04:25:00
作者: mobilesuit (老梗要上演几年)   2016-06-16 14:50:00

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