[情报] 04/11 The Daily Horoscope

楼主: peace305 (Solar)   2016-04-10 23:06:35
You have some wonderful hopes and dreams, Sagittarius, and you are probably
feeling pretty optimistic about all of them. You are usually a realist, and
most of the time other people wouldn't question your judgment or be critical
of your appraisals. Right now, though, your loved ones may feel you are
wearing rose-colored glasses and not seeing everything clearly. While they
may be wrong,it would be prudent to hold back from making any major decisions
just now. Take a day or two to let your thoughts sink in.
作者: superADAI (超级阿呆)   2016-04-10 23:25:00
作者: atoplus   2016-04-10 23:45:00
准 现在最需要沈淀
作者: priliona (李欧)   2016-04-11 09:02:00

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