[情报] 1/10 Daily Horoscope

楼主: ohigotyou (哈哈哈哈)   2016-01-10 02:09:03
Sagittarius horoscope for Jan 10 2016
A positive attitude, a happy countenance, and an optimistic outlook could make
this a day to remember, Sagittarius. You may be hopeful that something will t
urn out in the way you have been envisioning, but at the same time you could b
e fearful that it will never happen as you want.
Your state of mind will dictate what happens, and you are in complete control
of that. So set aside any fears or worries, put a smile on your face, and cont
inue to assume and believe the best.
作者: CaiMom (孬孬宪)   2016-01-10 03:02:00
作者: yniaw0315 ( )   2016-01-10 03:13:00
作者: grandmorning (逃狱)   2016-01-10 04:28:00
作者: misa4824 (里纱)   2016-01-10 09:37:00
呜呜呜谢谢翻译 我有勇气也知道该怎么去面对那件事情了!每天都笑笑的才是乐观开朗的射手宝贝
作者: mini101 (我笑他人看不穿)   2016-01-10 09:52:00
作者: lin30205 (有毒der基因)   2016-01-10 10:20:00
作者: tommy666 (醋醋)   2016-01-10 10:52:00
作者: joe831211 (joejoe)   2016-01-10 11:06:00
作者: fk301051996 (喵太朗)   2016-01-10 11:47:00
太准了 为爱情所苦阿…
作者: monya11085 (:目)   2016-01-10 12:32:00
我可以的!!感谢翻译 排板很顺
作者: janehaha (小葵)   2016-01-10 13:13:00
作者: xichon (Shin-Chon)   2016-01-10 13:53:00
作者: sinty (wind)   2016-01-10 16:09:00
谢谢翻译哦。= )

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