MBC-FM4U Sunny的FM Date
放送时间:20:00~22:00 (KST)
放送频道:MBC FM4U 91.9MHz
今日来宾:专栏作家 Lee Seung-han
http://goo.gl/sYWUtA Android http://goo.gl/un6iQy ios
http://mini.imbc.com/ 网页收听
每天与我们的SunnyDJ空中约会 >/////<
https://youtu.be/JPtc4-OLa0s Portable Groove 09 - Amelie
https://youtu.be/88WWRz5_G3o Ryu Hee-Yeoul - Radios in Heaven
https://youtu.be/c-cOZgaotPY THE ARK - The Light
https://youtu.be/JFgv8bKfxEs Red Velvet - Happiness
https://youtu.be/nkLS4KnE5KM John Travolta - You're the One That I Want
https://youtu.be/5HGm4FBTGmc Turbo - December
https://youtu.be/Eah9Mv59nJs Stony Skunk - No woman no cry
https://youtu.be/tTS2wlJJC1g Jang Pil Soon - Bracken rainy season
https://youtu.be/K8sXHXusDf0 Uhm Jung-hwa - Festival
https://youtu.be/egqDPipqIAg EXID - Ah Yeah
https://youtu.be/BI7OjcGoorY 张国荣 - 月亮代表我的心
https://youtu.be/r3yxxe66LXs Girls' Generation - Kissing you
http://goo.gl/Kp9Jau 盐儿的日记 cut
https://cloudup.com/iEjhmicry7L 全场