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作者: supercilious (mnemonic) 看板: Eng-Class
标题: Re: [单字] C1的字汇量真的这么少?
时间: Sat Mar 14 18:57:13 2020
The average high school student knows about 60, 000 words whose form
and meaning are not derived from those of other words.
(Contemporary Linguistics, edited by William O'Grady et al, page 132)
※ 引述《NCUking (中大王)》之铭言:
: ※ 引述《onijima (jin)》之铭言:
: : 听似乎是台湾代理商的行销部落介绍
: : 剑桥那四本"vocabulary in use"具备A1-C1及英检中高级的字汇量
: : 可是我看似乎才5000左右而已
: : 不知道是不是真的C1和中高级这么少?
: 这篇认为 C1 字汇量约一万字
: http://polydog.org/index.php?threads/synergy-part-7-vocabulary.15/
: A1: 300 active 600 passive
: A2: 600 active 1,200 passive
: B1: 1,200 active 2,500 passive
: B2: 2,500 active 5,000 passive
: C1: 5,000 active 10,000 passive
: C2: 10,000 active 20,000 passive
: 然后 Test Your Vocabulary 网站统计出来
: TOEFL 100 的字汇量是 10602
: 正常的母语人士至少 20000
: http://testyourvocab.com/blog/2013-05-08-Native-speakers-in-greater-detail
: http://testyourvocab.com/blog/2013-05-07-IELTS-and-TOEFL
: 所以 C1 一万字以及 C2 两万字是很合理的推算