1. 原定在3A先发的Connor Seabold没有上场,而是随队前往芝加哥
除了Seabold之外,Kaleb Ort, Jack Lopez, Chris Herrmann也都加入taxi squad,一同随队
2. Hunter Renfroe爆料说大联盟官方要红袜停止检测,只要治疗有症状的就好,红袜说“No. 我们要搞清楚状况然后确保疫情获得控制。”(Lou Merloni再次确认,”MLB asked you to stop testing?”,Renfroe说”yes.”)
红袜官方声明说红袜谨遵大联盟的防疫规范之类的官腔(“We have been following MLB’s COVID-19 protocols all season long. We have consulted closely with them on everything we’ve done and continue to test and their medical staff has been very supportive.”)
3. 红袜、洋基、蓝鸟目前都是62败
4. 刘致荣(1A):5.0 IP, 3H, 1R, 4K, 1BB, 1HR, 69-46