有人分享杀牛取毛皮的洗钱方法,GameSpot询问CDPR后,官方回应如下 XDD
"Nilfgaardian representatives are currently investigating the issue and
exploring ideas to address the rapid influx of cow hides on the marketplace
of White Orchard."
"Sustained cow slaughter may influence local economy and job market by
allowing an unnaturally fast accumulation of goods, and also produces an
undesirable effect of breaking gamer immersion," Said Bobbe Malinka, Senior
Scribe, Nilfgaard Press Department. "All instances of poaching will be
prosecuted to the fullest extent of Nilfgaardian law, so cow exploiters
better be on the lookout. We don't want any beef, but we have zero tolerance
for such behavior," Malinka adds."