### 123.txt
comment: "it is nice and great"
comment: "it is nice"
comment: "it is great:"
### main.r
sapply(test, function(v) {
tmp = strsplit(v, " ")[[1]]
c(tmp[1], paste(tmp[2:length(tmp)], collapse = " "))})
[1,] "comment:" "comment:"
[2,] "\"it is nice and great\"" "\"it is nice\""
[1,] "comment:"
[2,] "\"it is great:\""
Note: 如果不要什么,就用gsub取代成""就好
※ 引述《ryansun (sun)》之铭言:
: 请问我有一段话 形式大概如这样
: comment: "it is nice and great"
: 想把comment与"it is nice and great"分别存在两个变量里
: 我试着用下列code做
: test=readLines("123.txt")
: strsplit(test, " ")
: 但结果是只要遇到空白就会切开
: [1] "comment:" "\"it" "is" "nice" "and" "great\""
: 有什么方法是读到第一个空白处才会分割 后面就不会继续切下去
: 谢谢指教