bolam (95 10 23æ¥æŽ’å…¥ä¼)
2016-04-14 11:00:58nl Vincent de Boer >> 昨天 - 17:51
Another update to the shortlist algorithm was made.
- One extra defender, midfielder and forward is added to the base group
- High talent players close to the lower cutoff point are more likely to be
- Midfielders with the highest dueling are added
- Specialist players with very low star values compared to the base group are
no longer included.
- 大名单扩编,后卫、中场和前锋各一人。
- 大名单边缘球员的选择,天赋高的球员有比较大的机会入选。
- 最高抢断的中场球员会入选。
- 比其他球员星值低很多的特技球员,不再入选大名单。