apua (Apua)
2015-03-03 15:16:26Hi,
LionBridge 在南港软件园区三期有个 Python engineer 的职缺, 主管开出的需求如下:
- test automation and tool development
- code management system such as Git, Subversion, or Mercurial
- server-side application frameworks and programming language
such as Flask and Python
- understand the technologies and languages which power the web
such as HTML, CSS, and Javascript
- web service architecture such as REST
除了第一点可能比较鲜为人知, 其余技能算很寻常.
上述条件是主管开出来的, 薪资另议,
因为此职缺跟我同组, 有兴趣了解工作细节的话, 可私信问我.