Re: [闲聊] Don't be Python

楼主: keitheis (无)   2014-07-07 00:38:57
※ 引述《huggie (huggie)》之铭言:
: 我在翻 Node.js's blog
: 看到 Package management 部分
: “Dude. Either you do it, or I’m going to have to do it,
: and then there’ll be another package manager in node,
: instead of writing a registry for npm, and it won’t be as good anyway.
: Don’t be python.”
: 哭..T.T
Now, wheel was re-created, setuptools is rolling, and pip is being default.
So the crying point should shift to...
作者: ccwang002 (亮)   2014-07-07 02:29:00
xd 顺便推一下 wheel ,部署多台机器时很方便喔
作者: huggie (huggie)   2014-07-12 13:19:00
wheel还不完整?(binary) community still divided
楼主: keitheis (无)   2014-07-23 14:53:00
没办法,binary 难有 100% 的一天,光一个 Windows... XD

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