个人初期是小课玩家, 初期每周约 $1500, 主要花在孵蛋器.
每天至少抓怪八小时以上(含上班偷玩及回家可以点到一个 pokestop),
几乎跑遍中部以北所有的抓宝胜地, 步行 ubike 是主要累积里程数的方法.
长期努力下来也算有些收获, 但每次看到有玩家利用外挂不费什么心力就拿到一堆
高 IV 高 CP 的神宠, 还一大堆糖果可以随时升饱升满, 心中就十分不平衡.
尤其想到日后若开放 PvP 还要被这些作弊的人虐, 就更是不平.
于是最近就停止课金, 但每天还是继续练 和 领 10 - 20 皮卡丘币.
以下是我写信给官方抱怨, 这些非法玩家弄来的一堆神宠, 就算日后不能再作弊,
还是能造成日后游戏上的极大不公平. 也表达这点若不妥善处理,
会造成正常玩家不愿意再课金的情况. 希望他们可以重视. 虽然不知道有没有效果,
欢迎有相同想法的玩家, 可以引用, 让官方能进一步重视.
1. 进入游戏 -> 按 下方宝贝球 -> 右上方工具齿轮
-> 点选 "Report High-Priority Issue" -> 按 Yes 同意暂离游戏去回报问题
-> 按 "Submit a request" -> 选最下方 Urgent Safty Issue 那段最后的 here.
-> 按 "Submit a request" -> 选最下方 Urgent Safty Issue 那段最后的 here.
2. Your email address 就填你的电子邮件信箱
3. 第二区块就贴下文要反应的信件内容
4. Your nickname: 就写游戏中的名称
5. 然后勾选最底下的 reCapture. I'm not a robot.
打完勾后. 按最底下的 Submit 送出.
Please pay attention to the rights of players, especially the paid users'.
Thank you for blocking some of the cheaters' accounts recently,
but we can still find many cheaters with unreasonable numbers of
IV100 high-CP super rare pokemons on the internet.
They got these pokemons by illegal softwares or ways before.
Though some of them stop doing that (or not being able to do that now),
they are still using these pokemons to occupy gyms to earn pokemon coins.
I look forward to the upcoming PvP and the trading system,
but it will definitely be a disaster if you don't really block these cheaters.
I spent lots of time and energy to get my own Lapras and Dragonite,
but they just got a dozen of them (with even better IV and CP) easily
by staying at home and using 3rd party softwares.
Lots of players have spent money and lots of time on capturing pokemons
ourdoor. It's quite ironic that we have to face these cheated pokemons
some day. This makes me stop spending money on this game,
I believe lots of paid players do so because of the same reason.
We love your game. Please do your best to give us a fair gaming environment.
An industrious and paid player.