更像是英文讲义 (昏)
而且对于已经很会算IV的人,这篇也没什么用处 XD
总之,对于新系统跟队长的对话有兴趣的就来看看吧 :D
BLOG图文版: (建议使用)
==== BBS文字版 ====
最强:Overall, your [_______] is a wonder! What a breathtaking Pokemon!
强:Overall, your [_______] has certainly caught my attention.
普通:Overall, your [_______] is above average.
弱:Overall, your [_______] is not likely to make much headway in battle.
※ 第二句有惊叹号的就留下来练,有not的完全不考虑
最强:Overall, your [_______] simply amazes me. It can accomplish anything!
强:Overall, your [_______] is a strong Pokemon. You should be proud!
普通:Overall, your [_______] is a decent Pokemon
弱:Overall, your [_______] may not be great in battle, but I still like it!
※ 评语有 anything 的就练,有 not 的完全不考虑
最强:Overall, your [_______] looks like it can really battle with the best
of them!
强:Overall, your [_______] is really strong!
普通:Overall, your [_______] is pretty decent!
弱:Overall, your [_______] has room for improvement as far as battling goes.
※ 评语有 best 或 strong 的就练,有 room 的完全不考虑
Q:蓝队队长说了什么话? ( Mystic - Blanche )
※ 综合IV值82.2% ~ 100% 队长会说:
"Overall, your [_______] is a wonder! What a breathtaking Pokemon!"
“整体而言,你的 [_______] 是个奇蹟!真是让人感到惊奇的宝可梦啊!”
※ 综合IV值66.7% ~ 80% 队长会说:
"Overall, your [_______] has certainly caught my attention."
“整体而言,你的 [_______] 深深吸引我的目光”
※ 综合IV值51.1% ~ 64.4% 队长会说:
"Overall, your [_______] is above average."
“整体而言,你的 [_______]在水准以上”
※ 综合IV值0% ~ 48.9% 队长会说:
"Overall, your [_______] is not likely to make much headway in battle"
“整体而言,你的 [_______] 似乎不太适合激烈的战斗”
然后,队长会帮你作数值分析 (Pokemon Stats Analysis)
※ 单项能力特别出色,会说:
"I see that its best attribute is its Attack or HP or Defense."
“我发现他的 [_______] 特别突出”
※ 若是有其他能力一样出色,队长会继续说:
It is matched equally by its Attack or HP or Defense.
“我发现他的 [_______] 与 [_______] 差不多
※ 单项IV高达15点:
"Its stats exceed my calculations. It's incredible!"
※ 单项IV在13~14点:
"I am certainly impressed by its stats, I must say."
※ 单项IV在8~12点:
"Its stats are noticeably trending to the positive."
※ 单项IV值0~7点:
"Its stats are not out of the norm, in my opinion"
尺寸特大 (XL):
The size of your [_______] is... colossal. This is indeed exceptional.
“你的 [_______] 尺寸...非常巨大,真的非比寻常,太迷人了!”
大 (L):
Your [_______] is above average in size.
“你的 [_______] 比平均尺寸还大”
Your [_______] is below average in size.
“你的 [_______] 比平均尺寸还小”
Your [_______] is tinier than any we have on record. Astounding.
“你的 [_______]小到破纪录了,令人震惊”
This ends my analysis. Farewell.
Q:红队队长说了什么话? (Valor - Candela)
※ 综合IV值82.2% ~ 100% 队长会说:
"Overall, your [_______] simply amazes me. It can accomplish anything!
“整体来说,你的 [_______] 让我超惊艳的,他根本超万能”
※ 综合IV值66.7% ~ 80% 队长会说:
"Overall, your [_______] is a strong Pokemon. You should be proud!
“整体来说,你的 [_______] 是只强大的宝可梦,你应该引以为荣”
※ 综合IV值51.1% ~ 64.4% 队长会说:
Overall, your [_______] is a decent
“整体来说,你的 [_______] 还不错”
※ 综合IV值0% ~ 48.9% 队长会说:
Overall, your [_______] may not be great in battle, but I still like it!
“整体来说,你的 [_______] 也许对战不强,但我还是很喜欢”
※ 单项能力特别出色,会说:
Its Attack or HP or Defense is its strongest feature.
“它的 [_______] 是他强大的特色”
※ 若是有其他能力一样出色,队长会继续说:
I'm just as impressed with its Attack or HP or Defense.
“他的 [_______] 与 [_______] 一样让我印象深刻”
※ 单项IV高达15点:
I'm blown away by its stats. WOW!
※ 单项IV值13~14点:
It's got excellent stats! How exciting!
※ 单项IV值8~12点:
Its stats indicate that in battle, it'll get the job done.
※ 单项IV值0~7点:
Its stats don't point to greatness in battle.
※ 特大 XL
Your [_______] is gigantic—the largest I've ever seen!
“你的 [_______] 真是巨大! 我从没看过这么大的!”
※ 大 L
Your [_______] is rather sizable, that's for sure!
“你的 [_______] 体型真的很大欸!”
※ 小 S
Aww, what a small [_______] ! It's rather cute, I'd say.
“啊啊... 真是只小 [_______] 啊,不过我必须说,还蛮可爱的”
※ 特小 XS
Your [_______] is so tiny, I almost didn't notice it!
“你的 [_______] 有够小,我差点没注意到他”
※ 结尾道别:
Hope I was able to help. Take care!
Q:黄队队长说了什么呢? (Instinct - Spark)
※ 综合IV值82.2% ~ 100% 队长会说:
Overall, your [_______] looks like it can really battle with the best of them!
“整体来看,你的 [_______] 是属于战斗力最强的那一级喔!”
※ 综合IV值66.7% ~ 80% 队长会说:
Overall, your [_______] is really strong!
“整体来看,你的 [_______] 真的很强!”
※ 综合IV值51.1% ~ 64.4% 队长会说:
Overall, your [_______] is pretty decent!
“整体来看,你的 [_______] 还不错啦!”
※ 综合IV值0% ~ 48.9% 队长会说:
Overall, your [_______] has room for improvement as far as battling goes.
“整体来看,你的 [_______] 要参加战斗还有很多的进步空间
※ 单项能力特别出色,会说:
Its best quality is its Attack or HP or Defense.
“他最强的能力在于他的 [_______] 或 [_______] ”
※ 若是有其他能力一样出色,队长会继续说:
Its Attack or HP or Defense is great, too!
“它的 [_______] 和 [_______] 都很棒喔!”
※ 单项IV高达15点:
Its stats are the best I've ever seen! No doubt about it!
※ 单项IV值13~14点:
Its stats are really strong! Impressive.
※ 单项IV值8~12点:
It's definitely got some good stats. Definitely!
※ 单项IV值0~7点:
Its stats are all right, but kinda basic, as far as I can see.
※ 特大 XL
Your [_______] is just HUGE!
“你的 [_______] 超大的啦!”
※ 大 L
Your [_______] is a BIG one!
“ 你的 [_______] 是个大家伙欸!”
※ 小 S
Your [_______] is a little small for its kind, don't you think?
“依他的种类而言,你的 [_______] 好像有点小,你不觉得吗?”
※ 特小 XS
Wh-whoa. That's the tiniest [_______] I've ever seen!
“呜哇!这真是我看过最小的 [_______] 了!”
※ 结尾道别:
That's what I think! See ya!