最新一集不是讲电影 而是采访Neil Druckmann与Halley Gross
The Last of Us: Part 3 Has a Plot, But It's Not Being Made... Yet
Will we see it get made? "We'll see," says Neil Druckmann.
作者:Joe Skrebels
Naughty Dog has written a story outline for The Last of Us: Part 3, but isn't
making the sequel right now. Creative director Neil Druckmann says he hopes
it can "one day see the light of day."
顽皮狗已写出TLOU3的故事线大纲 不过现在还没有要制作
Speaking on an episode of the Script Apart podcast about the writing of The
Last of Us Part 2, Druckmann touched briefly on the possibility of a sequel:
"I don’t know how much I want to reveal... [co-writer Halley Gross] and I
did write an outline for a story, that we're not making – but I hope one day
can see the light of day – that explores a little bit what happens after
this game. We’ll see.”
"我不知道应该要透露多少...我和共笔剧本的 Halley Gross 已将故事大纲写出来
目前并没在制作TLOU3 希望有天能够公诸于世(后续的故事) 再看看吧"
Druckmann says there's been "quite a bit" of discussion internally about a
Part 3, but pointed out how much work is involved in making a game like this
a reality: "These games take so much to make. [Part 2], I've been thinking
about it for seven years, between when the last game came out and when this
came out [...] You want to make sure you’re jazzed by the idea that you
have, [that] it feels like it’s challenging.
"顽皮狗内部对 Part III的故事已经有不少讨论
不过要制作一款像这样的游戏 需要非常多的工夫投入
Part 2从前作结束到发售这七年间 我想的都是它
你得确保你对一款游戏的创作灵光真的能驱动你去完成它 具有足够的挑战性"
"We’ve now had two games that I feel speak to something universal as well as
telling a very personal story for these characters. With one game, there’s
no pattern of what a franchise is. With two games, now there’s starting to
be a pattern – now I feel like there are some structural and thematic themes
you'd have to stick to if you're making a third game."
当一款游戏变成一个系列作时 它开始具有内在的共同主题
若你要制作第三作 那就得与这个主题有关系"
It seems that Naughty Dog is currently exploring what to do next. "After we
finish one of our big titles," Druckmann explained, "we take a long time to
explore different ideas, whether it’s going to be Last of Us III, whether
it's something new, whether there's some old franchise we want to go back to.
I like to fully explore all of those, then look at, like: okay, we have all
of these ideas in front of us. As a studio, what do we want to commit to?
Because it’s a huge commitment – monetary, time, passion, talent, so you
think about all the opportunity costs that come with that."
Nril Druckmann表示在完成一款大作后 他们会休息很长一段时间
思考新的idea 有可能是TLOU3 有可能是新作 也有可能是已有的IP继续拓展
"把这些选项都陈列在我们面前 这时就该想 以开发工作室的角度来说
因为那会是个很巨大的投入 金钱 时间 热情上 人才(天份)"
Recent reports have suggested that Naughty Dog is (or at least was) working
on a standalone Last of Us multiplayer game, a new Uncharted project, and a
full remake of the original Last of Us.
The full episode of Script Apart with Druckmann and Gross is well worth
listening to, with stories around TLOU2's first draft, its occasionally
troubled release, and discussion of the upcoming HBO series, which will
reimagine the story of the first game, with Pedro Pascal and Bella Ramsey in
lead roles.
(Podcast的连结在文章最前面 有兴趣请收听)