苦战通关绝地模式,竟然只有0.02%的玩家拿到,不能聆听、没有警示声、物资稀少、敌人瞄得又快又准,几次遭遇战子弹耗尽被迫潜行跳过,到了最后蛇帮是整部里面装备最齐全不太能爆头,堡垒采防御工事布阵,感染者全部放出来才攻得进去,花了最多时间。 而子弹不够的状况下不得不善用人质,功用很多: 挟持住人质拖到暗处解决 等同伴抓另外一个同时下手 一颗子弹双杀 撤退到有利地点 剧情部分,终于看懂艾莉日记一直讲的铁锈味是什么,原本以为是杀乔尔的高尔夫球杆,一查发现那是血味,乔遇害的连结气味(偏偏每杀一个人就要闻一次) 从圣塔巴巴拉日记得知,艾莉觉得自己不复仇也无法给家人完整的自己,要复仇才能恢复完整的生命,她不确定这是遗憾还是耻辱,总之就是过不去,所以她的确是无法留在农庄过安逸日子,未竟之事尚未完成吃不好也睡不好。 这次我在海滩试着目送让艾比和列夫去坐船,甚至往回走,可惜这不是一个选项,要是有隐藏结局多好。 http://i.imgur.com/KMIyrNo.jpg 打到艾比求饶,未获光明先遇仇敌 http://i.imgur.com/ZkvU0I1.jpg 回到了农庄看着空荡荡的房子, 再次确认艾莉的表情是释怀的, 经过这趟旅程虽然受伤残缺,她心里却是圆满的,她找回妻儿也是时间早晚。 Future days这首歌非常适合她跟乔的关系,绝对模式全破放映的是乔演唱版: If I ever were to lose you I'd surely lose myself Everything I have found here I've not found by myself Try and sometimes you'll succeed To make this man of me All of my stolen missing parts I've no need for anymore I believe And I believe 'cause I can see Our future days Days of you and me Back when I was feeling broken I focused on a prayer You came deep as the ocean It's something something out there here All the complexities and games No one wins, but somehow, they still play All the missing crooked hearts They may die, but in us they live on I believe And I believe 'cause I can see Our future days Days of you and me When hurricanes and cyclones rage When wind turned dirt to dust When floods they came or tides they raised ever Closer became us All the promises at sundown I meant them like the rest All the demons used to come around I'm grateful now they've left So persistent in my ways, Here a angel, lying here to stay No resistance, no alarms, please this is just too good to be gone I believe And I believe 'cause I can see Our future days Days of you and me You and me It's you and me