Due to the extraordinary circumstances the world is facing with the COVID-19
pandemic we want to update you on how this will impact the forthcoming
release of Final Fantasy VII Remake. Our priority is the wellbeing and safety
of our fans and customers, taking into account regional government and World
Health Organisation advice.
The worldwide release of Final Fantasy VII Remake on April 10 will go ahead.
However, with the unforeseeable changes in the distribution and retail
landscape which varies across countries, it is incredibly likely that some of
you will not get hold of your copy of the game on the release date. We are
monitoring the situation on a daily basis and working with our partners,
retailers, and Square Enix teams across Europe and the Americas to do
everything we can to ensure as many of you as possible can play the game on
April 10th.
We want to keep you updated ahead of the release and intend to post again
this Friday March 20 with any further news. So please stay tuned to our
official channels. For any other questions regarding the release please
contact our Square Enix Customer Service teams or your relevant retailer for
more information on availability in your region.