※ 引述《zse4rb3 (3:16)》之铭言:
: 预定 11 月 17 日发售的《星际大战:战场前线》
: 不久前宣布将于 10 月初展开 Beta 测试
: 内容中将包含 3 个模式
: 1. Walker Assault on Hoth
: 20 人对 20 人的多人模式,玩家分别扮演两方势力
: 并有机会成为黑武士及天行者
: 2. Survival Mission on Tatooine
: 与反抗军协力抵抗帝国军一波波的攻势
: 3. Drop Zon
: 详细内容将待日后揭晓
Walker Assault on Hoth: Fight in epic 40-player battles as a Rebel to destroy
the Empire’s onslaught of AT-AT’s by calling in Y-wing bombers. Or, side
with the Empire and protect your walkers while utilizing their mighty
weaponry to crush the Rebel objective.
(20 VS 20的混战)
Drop Zone on Sullust: Escape pods are crashing down and you and your team
must fight to control them. With its frantic 8v8 matches, Drop Zone is sure
to put your combat and strategy skills to the test.
(8 VS 8 Drop Zone 模式,比较像是COD MW3的Drop Zone模式)
Survival Mission on Tatooine: Play alone or with a friend via co-op or
split-screen as you battle to hold off waves of Imperial forces including
AT-ST’s, TIE fighters, elite stormtroopers, and more.